"So I've been told," the woman said with a smile, tilting her head. "Let's get straight to business. You've been keeping some of our assets; we want them back."

"People are not belongings, young lady," Skye reprimanded the woman in front of her. "You will not be taking anyone from my city without their consent."

The raven haired woman just laughed at Skye. A devious smile crept up on her face. "And how will you stop me, old woman?"

She walked closer to the half Anima leader brandishing a curved silver dagger as she did so. Skye stood her ground. She refused to show any sign of weakness. Even as the descendant of one of her dearest friends came at her with the intention of ending her life. Her foot slipped out in front of her as she took up a stance that felt like a familiar friend; she would be ready.

"You can do to me as you wish, but you are already too late to take them. They know the danger that looms here they will not return."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that," the orange eyed woman said, her smile still firmly in place. "My son is predictable if nothing else. He'll come."

"He is not--"

Skye had to break off her words as another dagger, sleek and straight, flew through the air. The woman in front of her had thrown it from her side with the intention to get her in the middle. As Skye had already moved into a readied position, she'd been able to get out of the path. Mostly at least. The desk beside her stopped her from being able to jump back the required amount. Still, instead of lodging itself firmly in her belly, the dagger just grazed her skin.

"Still quick as a cat I see, even if it's an old one," the aggressive woman taunted. "It's too bad you hadn't joined us. The boys would have found a way to reverse all that troublesome aging for someone as great as you."

"Aging is a natural part of life, what you do is anything but."

"Sorry to hear that you think so. But it won't matter for long."

The woman rushed forward, slicing quickly through the air. Quicker than Skye would have ever thought was possible for a human; quicker than had been possible for even an Aradonian. Her speed matched what Skye had been capable of in her youth and that, itself, was frightening. Still, the elderly leader did her best as she let a thousand years of experience compensate for the mobility she had lost over the course of time. As they moved around the room, Skye struck out with fingernails so long, sharp, and hard that calling them anything other than claws would have done them a disservice. The intruder started to respond in kind as claws rapidly started to grow from her own hands, the longer they danced their deadly battle the longer they got.

"What are you?" Skye asked as she clutched at her arm, the meat of her biceps visible if she only moved her hand away.

"Unnatural, remember?" The dark haired woman continued to taunt her.

Skye hissed at her, the sound mixing with a growl. The sound echoed in the room in a way that made her sound like an actual lion. It was loud enough to draw the attention of the few servants that Skye kept to maintain the dignity of the house. By the time they came in, though, it was too late. She'd been slashed in the stomach so deeply that her innate healing abilities couldn't compensate for.

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