New job

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Mason lay on his bed, scrolling through his phone looking for work. Today is the first day Mason moves to city A where the famous university he has enrolled in, in order to make ends meet, Mason has to find a job that suits him.

But until now, I have been struggling to find a suitable job, every job requires a full day.

Bored, Mason threw his smartphone aside and lay staring at the wall. The apartment that Mason is living in is funded by the school, because being a good student should be sponsored for housing, but if you can't make money, you can't buy food.


The notification bell rang, Mason was startled, looked at the notice, read each line: Need a maid, any age is fine, work evenings from 4pm to 11pm, agree please leave your phone number in the comment section, will contact you later.

Mason hurriedly flipped through his school schedule, every day from 7am to 3pm, Mason laughed, hurriedly leaving his phone number. After entering, immediately jump up.

[Ring Ring]

Jay's best friend called, Mason immediately picked up the phone, the joy was not over.

''Hi friend, have you found a job yet?''

''Okay, maid, we'll get back to you later.''

"Dammit, Paul and I are working at Cherry Bar on A Street, do you want to come and play?"

Mason hesitated a bit.

''Cherry huh? I heard that place is expensive...''

"Who knows, I heard that Paul won the bet or something. There are about 3 children there, you and I are 5 people, go a lot to have fun''

''Okay, then I'll be there in 10 minutes.''

''Closing orders!''...

Classical music, dim lights, quite quiet surroundings, different from the thought that bars will be as noisy as Mason once thought. Mason is in this famously expensive bar.

Paul spoke, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

''Come on guys, let's drink for tonight''

Hearing that, Mason dared to drink, a glass of Bourbon, sweet taste

All of Paul was chatting about the girls at school, Mason just listened, sipping a glass of Bourbon, suddenly wanting another, apparently Mason was addicted, he went to the bar, where a male bartender was mixing wine for a tall man, two people were talking to each other, suddenly realizing Mason was coming, the bartender smiled and asked:

'What do you guys use?'

'A glass of Bourbon, please.'

Suddenly realizing, the other man glanced at him, Mason was startled, hurriedly took the Bourbon he had just finished and returned to his old seat, just walked a few steps when Mason heard the bartender talking to the other person.

'You scare people.'

A deep voice rang out, which Mason assumed belonged to the other.

'He was young and went to the bar alone? Are you in love or are you here to flirt?'

'Really? I saw him go with that group of friends, it seems to be a student, he looks very young, but his face is also handsome, he must be killing bad girls, talking politely. All right!'

'You look at me and still say it.'

Mason didn't want to listen anymore, so he went back to his desk. Paul and the others looked at 

it, but their drinking capacity was still low, they were already drunk after one drink, but still sat down and chatted. Mason thinks we've got a good education, and even though we're drunk, we don't raise our voices or talk to anyone. Mason sat and listened to us talk about the teachers at the school that the teachers at this school were good but a bit strict, and then Jay told them all about urban ghost stories.

At more than 10pm, everyone was so drunk that they couldn't go home, only Mason and Jay were sober, Jay clicked his tongue:

'Drop all of these guys, drink it up and it'll be like this. Mason, you carry Sean, and I'm Max and Liam, that's all.'


Mason led his friend out to the intersection and hailed him a cab home. When the taxi was leaving, Mason turned around and was about to go back when he accidentally bumped into someone, only knowing that he was about to fall. When it was clear, it turned out to be the large man sitting at the bar earlier, Mason was about to apologize when this person said:

'I'm sorry, are you okay?'

'Ah yes, I'm fine, sorry.'

Mason bowed his head apologetically.

'Don't go out so late at night, this place is full of robbers.'

'Rob? Ah, yes, thank you, I know.'

Mason hurried away. He was a little scared because talking to strangers was something he was not good at, secondly, maybe what the man just said was true, maybe this place was full of robbers so Mason wanted to go home right away. Mason felt a little embarrassed because he thought the person was a bad person, but he turned out to be a good guy.

Mason had reached his apartment, entered the four-digit password into the electronic lock, a ting sounded, the door opened. Mason realized one thing, all the furniture he moved in was still in the box, Mason still hadn't sorted it out. Close the door, take off your coat, go to the kitchen to make something to eat when...

[Ring Ring]

The phone rang, Mason wondered who was calling at this hour, and there was an unknown number, Mason hesitated, but answered the phone anyway.


A familiar, deep male voice came from the other end of the line, but Mason still couldn't remember whose it was.

'Is the person applying to be a maid?'

Mason nervously, hurriedly replied.

'Yes, yes that's right!'

'Thank you for taking the job, if you can start working for me tomorrow, will you?'

'Yes, okay!'

'My house is on B street, I will send you the location, I will send other information via text message.'

'Yes, thank you!'

The other man turned off the phone, leaving Mason in ecstasy.

First job.


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*Mason likes to drink lemon juice, lately he likes to drink Bourbon.*

<3 If you've read this far, from the bottom of my heart, I, Yumii, thank you very, very much. This isn't my first novel, but it's my first on Wattpad. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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