Warm Abyss

254 13 27

-Author's Note-

This chapter is just me being me and letting my mind run wild so what happens happens. Hope you enjoy!


Grian PoV

'Holy moley! He bought out all the honey! He really needed the stuff didn't he?' As I was taking the diamonds and restocking the honey I heard footsteps coming up behind me and then a tap on my shoulder. As I turn around I see the immediate green and gold accessories of Scar.

"Hey Grian! So I have a question for you." He quickly spoke but that didn't stop me from looking him up and down for a moment.

"Alright, what's up?"

"If someone were to ask you on a date per say, what would you want to do for said date? Asking for a friend." His face was slowly becoming bright red which really didn't make much sense but whatever.

"I've never thought about it really. Maybe just go over to their house and hang out, or go on a picnic or something." 'Scar seems nervous he doesn't want to keep eye contact'

"Alright cool thank you!" Before I could even say anything else he ran off.

'That was odd' I just went back to restocking the honey and then went and laid on top of The Entity soaking up the sunlight.

Scar PoV

"Alright a picnic, I can do that! Yeah I can do that easy. But what would I bring to a picnic? God dammit!" I covered my face with my hands groaning into them sliding down the wall. "I'm never gonna get to ask him out. . ."

"Not with that attitude your not."

"AHh, what the heck Impulse!"

"Sorry sorry, didn't mean to spook ya." He started walking over a bit towards me and leaned against the wall next to me. "So you're trying to ask out Grian, huh?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Considering that fact that anytime your near him you go red in the face? Yes, yes it is." He laughed a bit at his own statement which just made my face even more red than it already had been.

"Look, Scar the best way to ask is to just go for it. The worst that can happen is he says no."

"That's what I'm worried about!" I put my hands out in front of me and than back on my face.

"I guarantee you he'll say yes."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just know he will, trust me," he sat next to me putting his hand on my shoulder, "you got this man!"

[Time Skip...I'm writing this at 3am]

Grian PoV

As I was laying on The Entity I saw Impulse walk by followed by Scar walking up, his face a nice shade of pink-ish red.

"Hey uh Grian? Can you come down here for a second?" He seemed nervous, you could hear it in his voice that he was nervous.

"Yeah sure one sec," I stood up before spreading my wings out and gliding down to him, "what's up?"

He took a deep breath before speaking, "I wanted to ask you, Grian, if maybe you'd like to go on a date with me?" His face was bright red and he was messing with his fingers. I slowly felt the heat rise in my face.

"Wait. . . Like actually?" I tilted my head to which Scar responded to with a small nod, "Of course Scar!" Without thinking I hugged him fully surrounding him with my wings, he was so warm it was almost like hugging a big blanket. I just couldn't get enough of it, I couldn't get enough of him.

Scar PoV

'I feel like I'm gonna explode. Am I dying right now? Is this a dream?'

I look down a bit to see the same red sweater I saw that day. It's not a dream, this is real.

'I just did that. . . Holy dear lord. . . I really just did that.'

I hadn't even realized that I had wrapped my arms around Grian but I did.

"What uh, what's going on here?" It was Mumbo. He was probably walking around the corner and saw the wings and got confused.

"Oh uh hey, Mumbo!" Grian quickly moved his wings and let go of me while i just stood there bright red looking at Mumbo. "What brings you over here?"

"Only the fact that I saw your wings completely spread out unlike usual," Mumbo smirked and just stared at Grian who was very much not wanting to make eye contact.

"Well I thought maybe I would stretch them a little."

"While hugging Scar? Really?" The smirk dropped as he raised an eyebrow. Meanwhile I was messing with my fingers also not making eye contact.

"Hugging Scar? Pfffft! No, never! I was just uh.....chatting with Scar! That's right just chatting with him," he nervously laughed and then went silent as though Mumbo would believe him.

"Grian....I'm not an idiot. I heard the whole conversation." Mumbo had a mom stance going on, he had one hip out with a hand bent on it and then the other hanging to his side holding an axe, not surprising considering he had originally been chopping some trees.

"Damn it," he had a defeated look on his face, but like in a playful way. Honestly I find it quite cute, he's a very expressive person and I think that's why I fell for him in the first place. He isn't scared to speak his mind or his desires he just does it. It's admirable.

"Earth to Scarrrrrrr," I snapped out of my brain to see Mumbo waving his hand in front of my face, "You know staring is rude, right? And quite creepy," he smirked at me. That bastard.

"Oh sorry I didn't realize I was staring," I lowered my head a bit to hide my embarrassment.

"Uh huh, I'm going to go fill Impulse in on what's going on."

"Wait. . . You both are in on it together you jerks!" All I heard before Mumbo rounded the corner was him cackling.

~Author's Note~

1009 words. Holy hell that's a lot. It's been a few weeks since I last worked on this so excuse it if it makes 0 sense.
I wont update too often because school started up again so I might work on it during my off period but I'm not making any promises yet.

Thanks for reading this chapter.

(DISCONTINUED) Shenanigans with ScarianWhere stories live. Discover now