"Oi, Extra, when will we be able to move again?" Kacchan shouts at her 

"Kacchan! Sorry about my husband he's a little impatient" I apologize

"It's okay and I can understand why. You both will be able to move again in about and hour or so then you will both have a physical check up to make sure every thing is okay" She explains

"Thank you, Miss" Shoto thanks her and she bows before leaving.


4 A.M.

By the time Sho, Kats and I get home we're all really tired and practically dead on our feat. I help Kats and Sho take off their shoes and we head to bed but before we make it to our room we bump into Hiro. He was sitting in the hallway, in the dark, just staring off into space.

"Hiro what are you doing up?" I ask and he jumps like he was so lost in thought that he didn't realize I was there

"Um I was... uuuuuuhhhhhh sleep sitting?" He says glancing away

"Are you sure?" Kats asks staring down at him

Hiro sighs "I sometimes wait for Aki and Ari to visit us in the middle of the night" He admits 

Shoto sighs sadly "Come on, Hiro, let's go to bed I doubt they're going to visit us tonight" 

"But-" He starts

"Hiro we miss Akira and Akari a lot but staying up this late isn't healthy and neither is worrying about them constantly. We have to trust that they know what they're doing. They're a lot smarter than we think." I say kindly and crouch in front of him to ruffle his hair.

He sighs "Okkkkaaaaaayyyy" He groans and starts dragging his feet to get to bed.

He gets to his doorway but before he enters he turns and points at us "I only do this on the weekends" He states defensively before disappearing inside.

Katsuki chuckles "He reminds me of Deku when we had sleepovers at kids"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shoto asks

"Well-" He starts

"That's a story for another time" I squeak dragging Kats and Sho down the hall to our room. 

I used to have an overthinking problem in elementary school, it got better after I started keeping note books so I wouldn't get sidetracked but back when I was four or five I used to just sit in bed thinking for hours and one time I went over to Kacchan's house for a sleepover and let's just say he caught me and thought it was kind of creepy.


8 A.M.

Akihiro P.O.V.

I sit up in bed and blink my bleary eyes to try and clear them. I yawn and my jaw cracks.


I stretch and sigh before climbing out of bed and walking into the kitchen to make myself some cereal.

I sit down at the table with a bowl of cereal and see a piece of paper that wasn't there when I went to bed last night [the first and second time] I pick it up and unfold it my eyes scanning over the words and progressively widening until I get to the signatures at the bottom. I leap up and race down the hall and bust through my parent's door and leap on top of their sleeping figures causing them to jolt up in shock.

"Hiiiiiiro" Dad groans flopping onto his back and covering his face with a pillow

Dada groans and rolls over to cuddle Dad "The remote to the tv should be on the couch and the cereal's in the cupboard above the sink. You can use a chair to grab it." He mutters

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