Chapter 8

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233 reads!?!?!?!? I can not believe it! Thank y'all so much. This means a lot to me. I just wanted ya'll to know how appreciative I am for all of you who read my book and like it. So y'all keep voting and please comment. love y'all *kiss kiss*

Rose's POV

When me and Matt arrived at the house Edward immediately apologized. I apologized two but I didn't really know what for but u didn't want to fight.

"Violet, come one I starving!" Matt yells

"Shut up! I don't even know how you are still hungry. You stuffed your mouth of food this morning." Violet says coming out of the bathroom

"I'm just a hungry guy." Matt looks at me winks and then smirks. I really don't want to know what he means by that.

We all head out to the restaurant that apparently is supposed to be amazing. I think the name of it is called....Nandos? Yea that's it. Matt said its his favorite restaurant.

When we get to the restaurant, Edward tells the lady at the front we want a booth in the back. The woman escorts us to a booth in the back. I sit next to Matt and Violet sits next to Edward.

"What can I get you all to drink?"

"I will have a water with no lemon." Violet says

"I would like a miller lite please." Edward say and I frown. I don't really like it when he drinks. It reminds me of his past and that is somewhere that I do not want to visit. "It's just one Rose." he says putting his hand on mine.

"I would like a miller lite also." Matt says and again I frown. I just don't like drinking period. It ruined Edward, my dad, and most of all me. "you know what I'll just take a water."

"You don't have to." I say looking up at him

"I want to." he says kissing my nose

"Ok, and for you ma'am?"

"Err..I would like a diet coke."

"Ok. I will be back in just a minute." the waitress says and walks away to make our drinks.

I look infront of me and see my brother kissing my best friend's nose.

"Hey that's our thing." Matt pouts and we all start laughing

"Fine you can do that but I will do this." Edward grabs violets face and attacks her face with a huge kiss.

"Ewwww! No PDA!" I say and cover my eyes

"You seem to be ok with when its you and Matt." Violet says breaking their kiss

"That's different." I Matt says and we all laugh.

Once the waitress brings our drinks out we all place our orders. Me and Matt both ordered the peri peri chicken and Edward and Violet ordered chicken sandwiches.

"Thank you." I told the waitress as she haves us all our food.

We all started eating and just chatting about random shit.

"Matt do you ever share your food." Violet ask laughing a little

"No he does not." Edward answers very quickly "that's how you know he really likes someone, he will share his food."

Matt looks towards me hands me a fry. I take it and just smile and so does he, And with that I know I really like this blonde haired blue eyed cutie of a boy.

"Wow Matt, I'm shocked." Edward says looking at us with a shocked expression

"What can I say. I really like her."

This day can't get any better.

But it CAN get a lot worse.

And that it does.

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