Chapter 7

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We walked into the kitchen our hands still tangled together. I looked at Matt and smiled at him just admiring his features but quickly turned away as he looked at me, he saw me looking at him and chuckled to himself but I heard.

"What in the hell took you so damn long?" Edward asked as me and Matt walked into the kitchen area.

I let go of his hand real quick and he frowned looking right into my eyes but then looked away and ran to the table full of food.

"I was tackled by a lunatic." I stated glaring at Matt who was already at the table stuffing his face.

"Well, nice to know you guys don't hate each other." Violet said from the kitchen winking at me. I will have to talk to her later.

"I don't hate anyone."

"Especially not me, right Rosie." Matt said still stuffing his face

"Nooo, you just tackle me and then lick my face and expect me not to be mad." I said with a small laugh.

"Hey you licked my face first." we both chuckled

"Wait, you licked his face?" Violet asked bursting into laughter

"Well he wouldn't get up."

"So you licked him? I would've tackled you two." violet said looking down at her phone

"Okay okay, can I eat now?" I asked sitting down across from Matt

"You couldn't wait on us mate?" Edward asked Matt hitting his back

"I was really hungry."

We all sat down and started pilling our plates with food except Matt who's plate was already full of food.

After we all finished our breakfast and cleaned the table, which only Edward and I did, me and Violet decided to go tan on the beach because it was really sunny today. Matt and Edward said they would join us if we accompany them for lunch at a really cool restaurant which me and Violet excepted.

Me and Violet rushed to the room to pack our beach bags and put our bathing suits on.

I picked my leopard print bathing suit with little gold studs on the bottom part. Then I packed my bag with tanning lotion and sunscreen, even though I don't burn, I figured that someone might need some, then I packed some denim shorts and a tank top. I put on my flip flops on and headed out the room with Violet right behind me.

Once the guys were ready we all headed down to the beach for some sun time.

"Why don't you come in for a little swim?" Edward ask coming up out of the water and stood by me, Matt right behind him.

Violet had to go back to the house because she had a headache and she wanted to lay down. I told her to take some ibuprofen and that I would be up there in a little while to check up on her.

"I want to tan." I said my eyes staying closed

"But I want you to come swim with me." Matt pouts and pulls my hand which sets me on fire

"Matt, I want to tan." I said pulling my hand away.

"No I think you want to swim with me." then all the sudden I am off of my chair and being carried to the water

"No Matt put me down! I don't want to swim! Matt!" And then all the sudden my body becomes in contact with the cool water, fortunately I manage to keep my head above the water so my hair won't get wet.

"You know," Matt said in quiet voice so only I can hear him "I have been wanting to get my hands on you since you put that damn bathing suit on."

My heart is raising and I can feel the heat rising up my neck and in my cheeks.

SymphonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora