Chapter 1: Chaos Approaching

Start from the beginning

After showering, I felt refreshed and ready to rest after a long day of work. Though my worries never quite went away and my mom's antagonistic behavior towards me and my brother refused to get the help he needs, only made me lose more and more peace and added more to the anxiety I was dealing with.

I was contemplating returning to Lebanon, selling the business, and telling my mom it's final and that there's no reason why I should even be dealing with this situation. However, there was way too much at stake here and that was also something that was holding me back from actually going back. I had a feeling my uncle would receive me again, though there was a chance he wouldn't because at the end of the day he had his own life, his family, and his wife to be there for. I was just a stand-in.

A third wheel and that was the last thing I wanted to be.


The next morning I went to work, and since it was admin day, I was in charge of doing the schedules and making sure that the business was running smoothly. I then checked my email and received a message from Jabal, who took Kitana to Sydney and Melbourne to visit family.

I was so jealous because I needed a vacation and because I was a business owner, a young one at that, I had the freedom to do whatever it was that I needed or wanted. But I had to be here for my employees, all of who were hard workers and whom I tried to be there for while doing all I could to make their lives easier.

"Hey" said Francie, one of my best mechanics and one that the boys used to challenge for being a girl mechanic.

She was also an old friend of mine from when I was a freshman.

"Hey girl, how's it been?"

"Business is booming and it's only gotten better since you bought this place" she smiled, handing me a cup of coffee. "Here, I got you a decaf latte with whole milk and a dash of half and half."

"You're the best" I smiled and took a sip, and it was as I liked it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. But I'm noticing something's bothering you."

"Can you take a wild guess?"

"Your brother struck yet again" she sighed. "I can't believe Santi fell so low."

"I know and deep down he's a good person, but when he's drunk or drugged, or both, he becomes this person I don't recognize."

"I know. I've seen him in action."

"I wish I had the power to help him. Well, I do as I have money and could pay for a good rehab facility but he has to want to get help. If he doesn't want the help then it won't do any good even if we forced him into it."

"True, and that's the hard part. My mom left my dad when I was thirteen years old because he would become this violent drunk."

"I remember you would come to school terrified at times."

"It was scary and my mom decided to leave him for mine and my sister's sake."

"And how's Leticia?"

"She's doing good, university is going well too. She's coming home today for the summer and I could not be happier."

"I'll swing by to see her. It's been ages."

"I can't believe a year ago now, you left for Lebanon."

"And I wish I could have stayed."

Second Chances: a Coincidences novel (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now