Five: The Morning After

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Hermione's Pov...

She was warm, very warm, and lying naked on a very comfortable bed. Her vision was blurry at first as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. The room was immaculately clean, and had dark panelled, Tudor style architecture everywhere. The scent of peppermint and freshly tilled earth filled her nostrils and she looked down.

Her very naked body was being held down by an equally naked, and supposedly dead wizard that used to be her potions master. She tried to stifle her panic and shock as she tried to remember the events of last night.

She knew that she met him in Madame Bovary's, because this was Friday night, and she went out dancing on Fridays. She had never taken a man home with her before, though, so something deep must have passed between them last night to end up in this strange bed. His bed.

She stopped panicking and began to study Severus's features in sleep. He looked like some dark angel, without a care in the world. She lightly traced his lips with a finger, as she remembered how he passionately took her every which way. She was sore between her legs from the urgency of their antics, but she also remembered that she never felt so complete and whole in her life as this enigmatic wizard put all of his pent up passions into every position they got into.

Ron Weasley had been an absolute terrible lay, and Viktor Krum had been her first, but at least he had some skill and knew what he was doing in deflowering a girl. But her two previous lovers paled in comparison to Severus Snape. Hermione looked down on the wizard of her dreams, and laid back down, cuddling his toned chest. He would not want her now that it was the harsh light of day. He was her Professor, and too young for him, besides.

What exactly happened last night that made this handsome, tortured, wizard throw all the rules out the window one night to make love to her in the most spectacular way? He stirred in his sleep, and yawned.

"Well, hello there," Snape said sleepily, "But you know that this will not spare you from that essay you have due, Miss Granger."

Hermione laughed. "Let me guess, it's called 'how many levels shagging your potions master is wrong.' "

They shared a laugh over that, and she sat up, not caring that she was exposing her breasts. Snape eyed her hungrily, and said, "I suppose I don't need to explain what happened."

She blushed. "No, but I have to ask what exactly happened last night, apart from the obvious drinking. It's obvious we were intimate, but after that tango on the dance floor, my memory eludes me."

Snape looked about the room, and then the bed. "Based on the bed, I would say that we had more than casual sex, Hermione. I seem to recall you screaming my name all night so you voiced no complaints about it."

"Wait, you mean you told me who you were at some point?! Why ever would you do such a thing...Severus?" Hermione asked.

Snape kissed her hand and said, "Because I didn't care while I was drunk and I still don't. I am legally dead. But we can always modify our memories of this night if you want."

Hermione shook her head. "No, no, thank you. I think it's just best if I leave."

"As you wish," Snape said, and then snapped his fingers three times.

A house elf in a dusty apron popped in and said in a squeaky, feminine voice, "Master summons Smocky?"

"Yes. Have Miss Granger's dress and undergarments cleaned and pressed," Snape ordered gently, but firmly. "She will be leaving us this afternoon."

Smocky curtsied. "Yes, Master. Smocky will get it done immediately. Will you be requiring breakfast, Master, Miss?"

"Yes, Smocky. Deliver it here."

"Yes, Master!" Smocky disapparated with an audible pop, and Hermione laughed.

"She seems happy."

"She thinks I spend too much time alone in this place," A wry smile crept up on Snape's face. "I think she was delighted that I brought home a witch for a change."

"And you don't usually--"
"No. Why do you ask?"
"Just curious."

Snape sat up, and Hermione couldn't help but blush as he stretched. She quickly looked away, as some of the black sheet dipped low enough to where she could almost see all of him.

"Yes, well," Snape said, "Be that as it may, Miss. Granger, this cannot happen again. This was a chance met encounter, and I would just as soon avoid each other."

Hermione felt like he had slapped her, but she knew he wasn't doing it to deliberately hurt her. It was for the best that people didn't know that Severus Snape was very much alive.

"I..I understand," She said, shakily. He raised an eyebrow. "No, I do. But, if you should change your mind, I will give you my number and we can have coffee or something."

Snape chuckled. "If you insist."

He got out his wand and checked his last spell. Both of their eyes widened when they saw a glowing spiral attach itself to their arms, and then he remembered Draco Malfoy's wedding.

"Shit," He muttered darkly.

"Why would you make an Unbreakable Vow?" Hermione finally asked.

"Accio invitation," Snape ground out, and he showed it to her. Hermione had a flash of memory where she begged him to take her with him to Draco's wedding.

"Apparently, I thought it a good idea at the time," Snape said silkily. "Do you have a nice dress for a wedding? The Malfoys are quite formal in their little parties."

"No, but I can get one."
"Good. Make sure it's fancy."

They don't talk any more about the wedding both of them were now forced to attend, because Smocky popped back in with breakfast, and her clothes.

"Thank you, Smocky," Hermione said. "You didn't have to shine my shoes too, though."

"Oh, but Smocky did, Miss!" The house elf said happily. "Smocky wants Miss to look her best, and maybe Master will stop being so lonely, and--"

"Enough, Smocky! That will be all for now," Snape grumbled.

"Yes, Master," Smocky said, curstying to them both. They ate breakfast in silence, and then took turns in the shower.

When Hermione was done getting ready, and her hair was back in its wavy, tamed tresses, she shouldered her purse, and met Snape downstairs.

He was dressed in one of his stiff black frock coats, and he met her at the front door. They eyed one another there, and the tension built up between them as some force moved them together, and Snape cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her softly, tenderly. Hermione deepened the kiss as he licked at her mouth. They kissed deeply for a minute or two and pulled away.

"Next Friday," She reminded him.

Her would-be lover nodded his head, and turned to go into another room. Hermione sighed, and let herself out. She found a discreet place to disapparate and went home. Next Friday! She found that she couldn't wait until that night...

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