The two snap.

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{Nightmare's pov}

I kept drawing, I was adoring my new creations. But then the others came. Porbably forgot something. It definitely wasn't me. They never never me thet just leave me home on purpose anyways.

They came inside not bothering to say hi to me. Horror was holding some water and was walking next to me as I was on the couch drawing. Suddenly Dust was chasing Killer and. Bam! The idoits hit eachother, knocking Horrors water out of his hands. And it landed on me. Wetting me.

Horror:"oh- sorry boss-"


I was mad but then trying to touch my hand onto the paper of the notebook it felt....strange..and...wet?! Oh no!.

I looked and saw it was all soaked and I began panicking

"Oh no! You moron! Look what you did!"
I screamed at Horror.
I immediately ran to my room and tried to dry off my notebook but it was to late, all the pages were ruined. Suddenly i felt some perk in my eye. I put my finger near my eyes to see what it was and...I was crying...? Over a notebook...ridiculous...

I fell on my knees and cried silently. Then...something felt strange..I enjoyed this?. Why?. I enjoyed feeling so like...i need more of it.

{Dream's pov}
It took a few seconds to look at what I had done. I broke the window..but instead i didn't feel guilty. I still felt so, so angry and i began to break more stuff in my room. After half an hour my room looked like a total mess.
I looked at it and then it hit me on what i truly had done. But again. I didn't feel guilty about it.
A knock was heard on my door,

Blue:"Dream? Im worried you've been in there for awhile.."

"leave me alone."
Was all I could say.

Blue:"Dream..I'm coming in."

"No your not!"

Blue:"yes i am! Open this door right now! I'm worried!"

"There's nothing to be worried about!"

Blue:"if that was true you would have let me in by now! Please just open the door!"

I was silent. I refused to open the door and just stayed silent listening to Blue constantly asking me to open the door. I then heard footsteps walking away.

Then they came back, Blue seemed to be talking with Ink, as he burst opened the door. They layer eyes on the messed up broken state of my room.


Ink:" not cleaning this mess."

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu