An accident

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{Nightmare pov}
I just chilled in my room untill the others came in they seemed to have had their time killing. Heh. Well I'd say I'd had the best day.
They came in not bothering to acknowledge me. Well some did but just said hi. I'm gonna kill them when this is over.
I went back to my room, but tripped and fell to the ground.
"Ugh....!- huh?"

I notice something under my was a journal, it was empty though looked cool, I grabbed a pencil and just wrote down some ideas I had. Within a few second I drew a cute little black and white bear with a smile.
"I think I'll call you Monokuma!" I said outloud, I giggled at the name and continued to draw more stuff I drew some characters I thought of like annoying mini monokuma...Monokubs! "cute but annoying! I like it." I said again outloud to myself.

I became indulged into these creations I was making...ashamed they weren't real.

{Dream's pov}
Blue and Ink looked at me shocked and starlted they didn't expect that from me and to be honest...neither did I...
I gasped when I saw what I had done but then it turned into something cold. And hallow. I then just turned away and went back to my room, Blue chased after me and grabbed my hand. It starlted me

"! Blue, let me go!."

I tried to get my hand out of Blues grasp but it didn't succeed, I kept trying

Blue:"No! Why did you throw that knife?! Where did you even get a knife?!"

The questions kept comming and comming...

Blue:"Dream tell me! How did you get it?! Did you have it on you?! What's gotten into you?!-"

"Shut up."


"I said...SHUT UP!"

I Yelled grabbing another knife from my boot and used it to get Blue hands of mine. Blue was speechless... I had almost cut off his hand...Ink was watching it unfold shocked aswell...

It then made me realize what I had just did..

"I...Oh...oh no...! I'm I'm sorry Blue! I-I-"
That was all that came out my mouth the rest was silent I then just ran to my room and locked the door. Blue and Ink banged on it but I never opened, I went to my bed and just fell asleep. Hoping to put this whole day behind me

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