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{Nightmare's pov}

I kept on drawing and creating more characters and designs, I found myself making what seemed like this whole world. And it never got boring! I didn't realize how late I was staying up, 1am turned to 2am, 2am turned to 3am, 3am turned to 4am. I was so focused on creating more that i didn't even think about anything else. What was there to think about?

Before I knew it as I kept drawing, the sunshine glared through my window.. I stayed up the entire night. Suddenly a wave of sleepiness fell over me as I felt so tired. Were was this seven hours ago?!

I got up and got I'm for the day still drawing. I even started making short stories with them. Negative ones of course. I went and got what was left of the food which wasn't alot. I'll have to go grocery shopping soon. Maybe. Or just make one of the idoits do it. The others came into the room and just said hello to me, well execpt Dust. And that was it they talked but not to me..For some reason I want attention. Never cared about it before but now I do I guess. They soon left probably to go kill. And I was left alone. Again!. Ugh... well I guess I can just continue drawing. That's not so bad.

I then yawned and continued drawing and writing. I felt very bored though. I enjoyed creating this stuff but apart of me wanted more. Something bigger.

{Dream's pov}

I woke up and hoped yesterday was just a bad dream. But when I opened the door and saw in the other room and concern Blue and Ink, I knew. It was real. I immediately ran to them and began to apologize over and over again. I genuinely don't know what came over me! Why did I do that?! Ugh!
Blue hugged me.

Blue:"'s ok, but please don't pull ok any knives again,"

I nodded agreeing. Hoping I didn't ever pull those knives again.

After that me, Ink and Blue just started talking like we normally would do but there was something in me. Something felt uncomplete....Why though? I don't know but it just felt like it. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom and I just stared at the I suddenly felt very angry. It as if I held a grudge on something or..someone. but why...?
I clutch my fists together tightly and....
smashed the window.

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWhere stories live. Discover now