Chapter 17: Punishment

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I sit at my desk, just like I would any day around this time but this is different, Y/n is here. She's laying on my bed, I sit down on my chair and open the bottom drawer. Smiling when I hear a faint, "Camilo," I open the book hidden in the drawer, it's filled with different moments that have happened recently. Most importantly, it's filled with photos and moments I've spent - with Y/n - that I treasure with my life.

"Camilo!" I hear a familiar voice yell behind me, I look over my shoulder and stare at Abuela with my eyes widening.

"A-Abuela," I say, "¿Por qué estás aquí? (Why are you here?)"

"Por el castigo que aún no has recibido (For the punishment you have not yet received)," She answers, my breath quickens, remembering what happened when Y/n dropped me off at Casita a few weeks ago. I thought Abuela forgave me for that...


"Thank you, Y/n," I smile at her, she smiles back before running back to her home. I stand at the door for a few minutes before walking inside, it was just past dinner when I walked inside and my Familia was finishing up and cleaning the table.

"Camilo," Abuela calls to me, I look at her and take a deep breath.

"Si, Abuela?" I ask, she puts a hand on the small of my back and leads me to my room. Casita lowers the stairs and we walk up, once we made it to my room Abuela pushed me in and stood at the door.

"Camilo, since you chose to miss dinner, you will stay in your room for the rest of the night. You will only be allowed out in the morning, your punishment will not be forgotten," She says before walking out of the way and slamming the door and calling to Casita, "Casita, make sure his door is not opened until the morning,"


"Abuela, that was a week or two ago," I say, getting up from the chair and walking towards the stairs to my left as I stare at my Abuela.

"Well, you should be prepared then, si?" She asks, raising a brow. I sigh, lowering my head before walking back over to my desk, closing the book and removing my shirt, allowing Abuela to see my bare back that healed from the last time she punished me.

My arms around the top of the chair, my head facing the cushion part, my back is easy access for her to punish me.

"Bueno," She says, walking behind me and showing her 'Punishing Belt' but it's a whip, she calls it a belt. I am the only one who she uses it on, the rest of the Familia is 'smart enough not to get in trouble' as Abuela likes to say.

She didn't waste any time, starting strong with a hard, and the sound of the hard whip hitting my back fills the quiet room. Three hits in she noticed how hard I get wince when it hits my back, I look over my shoulder and see the stone-cold expression on her face.

"Camilo, lo has hecho varias veces! Cuantas más veces te estremezcas, ¡agregaré más! (Camilo, you've done it several times! The more times you shudder, I'll add more!)" She yells, I feel tears at the brink of my eyes, this is the hardest she's been to me.

"Si Abuela," I say. On the ninth hit, my legs buckle and I fall to the floor, my back turns to the chair and leans against it. I bring my hands in front of my face, closing my eyes as I wait for the last hit. But it doesn't come.

"Argh!" I hear from above me, I open my eyes and see Y/n's back to my face, her tail is in between her legs.

- Y/N POV -

I look over the railing and see Abuela storming into Camilo's room, my eyes widen. I shrink into the bed and wait for her to leave, but she doesn't.


I quietly sprint down the stairs and run in front of Camilo, my arms out, my tail between my legs, my ears down, eyes closed, whole body prepared for the impact of the hit but it hit harder than expected and I let out a noise between a yell and a groan.

"Argh!" I yell/groan, looking at Abuela, she looks at me astonished.

"What are you doing here, estimada?" She asks, the force of the whip made it go through my clothes and broke some skin.

"Keeping my friend from being more hurt," I growl, she sighs before slowly walking out of the room. I turn around and let my body fall to the ground, letting Camilo assess the damage of the whip on my body.

"Y/n!" He yells, I wince and he immediately apologizes and I smile at him. "No! No, no, no, no! Y/n, please! I need you, you can't leave!"

"I'm fine, Camilo, I'm a werewolf, remember?"

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