Chapter 15: Antonio's Ceremony

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- Y/N POV -

It's only an hour before Antonio's ceremony and everyone's excited, well everyone except for my family and La familia Price. Camilo told me a little more about the family and they are interesting, their family also has a 'theme' going on, their theme is dark and/or death. Camilo said there are three children in total, twins and a younger brother.

I'm nervous but want to meet this familia.

I'm standing with my back to one of the poles in the Madrigal house, watching as all the people inside are helping get ready for tonight. I was supposed to be finding Antonio 'cuz no one can find him, but I don't have his scent, so I asked Camilo if he can give me something of Antonio's.

Camillo comes running back, a sweater in his hands as he shape-shifts back into himself, I know it's Camilo because of his scent, he's not the best at hiding it.

"I've got his sweater," Camilo said, handing the fabric to me, I smile and take it. Bringing the material to my nose, closing my eyes and take a deep breath, wanting to make sure I get Antonio's scent and not Camilo's.

"I got the scent," I say, opening my eyes. Camilo smiles before taking the sweater back and running back to wherever he got it from. I follow the scent, up the stairs, and to a green door.

Slowly, I open the door, before getting down on the ground and army crawling. I hear some giggles from under the bed and crawl to it, smiling warmly when I see the little boy.

"Hey," I say, he looks up at me and smiles sadly.

"Hey," He replies, fiddling with his fingers.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm worried,"


"What if- what if I don't get a really cool gift?" He worries, I sigh before crawling under the bed with him.

"But what if you do?" I counter, raising a brow at the little kid.


I was right, Antonio did get a gift, and it was really cool. He can talk to animals, I wonder if we can talk while I'm in my wolf form? I thought, smiling. Camilo grabs my hands and pulled me to the dance floor, chuckling when I squeak at the sudden force pulling me.

"What's wrong, Hermosa?" Chameleon teased, I giggle and pull him closer, tilting my head up like I was about to kiss him. I can see the blush forming on his face as I slowly turn my head away from his with a sigh.

"Well, I just love teasing," I say, chuckling when I see his face covered in crimson. "But the question is, are you ok, Chameleon?"

"Y-yeah," He stutters making me smile.

"Are you sure~?" I tease, poking his stomach and making him flinch. Smiling, I continued to poke him, but not too hard, soon Camilo starts letting giggles leave his lips. "Chameleon, are you ticklish?" I ask, smirking devilishly at the shape-shifter in front of me.

"N-no," Camilo lies, I tilt my head.

"Really? So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" I asked, pinching his sides and making him squeak like he made me do when he pulled me to the dance floor only minutes earlier. Camilo ran, outside of Antonio's room, and into - what I guess to be - his room.

The Werewolf and the Shape-shifter (Camilo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now