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"Help... Help me with what exactly?..." Zero asks with curious but cautious eyes and narrowed eyebrows.

"I think I can find her for you. That is if you want me to." I reply, looking him directly in the eyes, I still look at him with pity, because I can't help it but sternness as well.

"You mean-! You know where that lady is?! How?..." Zero asks.

"No, I don't know where she is, but I can find her for you if that's what you want."

"No. I don't want to ever see that thing again. Unless it's to get back at her for what she's done."

"Kaname... What are they talking about?..." Yuki asks innocently as she looks up at Kaname with fearful but confused eyes.

"Don't worry about it. Yuki..." He reply's, reflecting the sadness she has in her eyes.

{they seem close. And distinctly look alike... hm...}

"I understand." I reply, reflecting an empty expression.

{He's right. And I shouldn't get involved, I don't know what I was thinking.}

"You don't understand. None of you vampires, could ever understand our pain we feel because of you!" Zero shoots back.

I slowly stand up.

"Oh trust me... I understand... More than you know... I won't get involved if that's not what you want, but if you decide differently later on, as long as I still have the same opinion, I'll help you. We'll probably encounter that man in the near future as well..." I reply, and through the corner of my eye catching a shocked and confused expression from both Kaname and the headmaster himself with nervous drops on their temples.

{How could she know about them/him?!...} Both Kaname and the headmasters thoughts beat in my mind in surprising unison.

"How do you know so much about that woman?" Zero asks.

"I'm a vampire, as you've so obviously pointed out. If you can find the resemblance, you'll know." I hint to him.

"What 'resemblance' do you speak of?" Kaname asks.

"It's not the time, nor the place." I reply, looking over to the headmaster and Kaname, then I glance down at Yuki and then look back to Kaname.

Kaname follows my gaze and furrows his brows, holding his arm out in front of Yuki.

[I wouldn't dream of hurting a fellow pureblood princess. So don't fret Kaname. I'm only after that man. I have no interest in the rest of you or this school, I was only requested to come here, that's all. I mean no threat to you.]
I say, speaking directly into Kaname's mind.

[How are you-!?]
Kaname says back.

[I can do lots of things, some of which are regretful. I'm sure you can understand that.]
I speak to him once more, the hole time keeping eye contact to assure him it is indeed me.

[Your talking about Redo are you not?]
Kaname asks.

[and if I am? What is it to you? I know he's your uncle, but I don't go after the whole family of the person who wronged me unless that family is also involved or has wronged my parents. I'm sure, and hope you'll understand.]
I reply.

[Your related to Shizuoka Hio, aren't you?...]

[she's my aunt, but I've never really gotten to know her, so it won't really effect me.]
I reply.

[Even if she's your only family left?...]

[family and blood doesn't matter to me. It's the relationships you hold that matter. And besides, I've got family.]
I reply once more.

[And who is that?]

[I'd rather not say. Now, I think we're done here.]

"Uhm... Well! Why don't you both stay for dinner! Lets brighten up the mood!" The headmaster shouts happily after clearing his throat.

"I think I should be leaving, it seems my presence is not appreciated here." Kaname reply's, shooting a glance at Zero, but then returns his gaze to me cautiously.

Then he hugs Yuki and heads out the door.

[If you don't mind, stay out of my head please.]

I look over to him just as he grabs the doorknob.

[I can't help it, it's not that simple.]

He opens the door and begins to head out.

[Is that so...?]

Then he shuts it behind him and disappears.

"Awwwww....." The headmaster begins to pout.

"Zero! You were so rude to Kaname!" Yuki scolds him.

"Tch! He's a vampire! When will you understand that their not our friends!" Zero snaps back.

This causes Yuki to sigh and get a little teary.

"Now let's be nice Zero, we still have a guest over! How about you? Would you stay? Pretty pretty please!!?" The headmaster scolds and then begs.

It was kinda creepy and awkward so I was about to say no, when Yuki walked over and tugged at my sleeve sniffling asking if I could please stay. And her big brown teary eyes and cute pouty expression... I was scammed... I couldn't say no to such a cute face... So I sighed.

"Fine... I'll stay for a little bit..." I scratch my head a little feeling cheated...

"Yay!!" The headmaster and Yuki cheer.

{not fair...}

Where as Zero stays silent at the table but here and there glances at me and gets flustered one time when I catch him.

{This is gonna be a long night...}

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