Chapter 16: Testosterone

Start from the beginning

"What's your worst fear Liam?" My hand curls around the banister at the top of the stairs as I pause to hear his answer.

"Ye dyin lass." My head hangs in shame at what I've done just because I'm afraid. I'm afraid of her and I'm afraid of the pain that Phelan will inflict on whoever helps her. I know I'm making a mistake by making Liam save her but I can't seem to make myself turn back around. Instead I head towards the library. There has to be some alcohol around here somewhere. An hour later I'm in a chair of the library drunk off my ass and trying to forget just how much of an asshat I am. 


Both Gabe and I wake up before Riki. I smile down at her and kiss her softly on the forehead before looking over her to Gabe. His eyes meet mine and he nods slightly as I slide from Riki's arms. I know how upset Riki is about Ash and Liam and it pisses me off that Kade could have fixed this but didn't. So I walk out of the room with a grim smile on my face. Liam got to beat his ass last time and this time the little fucker is mine.

I find him a few minutes later, passed out in the library, and drunk from the smell of him. I stride over to the chair he is slumped over in and step in front of it. Staring down at him dispassionately, I reach out and grab the collar of his shirt as I yank him to his feet. His eyes jerk open and I snarl softly at him. My leopard is demanding retribution for him upsetting our mate. He doesn't say anything just eyes he warily, his brown hair sticking up all over the place.

"You upset my mate and my sister." He eyes me questionably the word sister and I shake him.  

"Riki considers Ash her sister therefore I do as well. Why didn't you take Liam's place? You could have." Kade's eyes go blank but he doesn't realize I can read his mind.

Like I don't feel bad enough. No. Liam deserves what he gets. But Ash doesn't. Shit, what the hell's wrong with me?

I raise a brow as Kade jerks angrily from my grasp and stumbling over the side of the chair falls to the floor as he barks out in laughter before speaking aloud.

"I don't have to explain shit to you." He must be drunk cause he isn't normally this brazen especially when I could rip him my apart with my bare hands. But I hear the thoughts that crash through his mind and I know he does care for Ash even if he'll never admit it. He stumbles to his feet and before he says what he's thinking I punch him in the mouth. He stumbles back and I growl softly as I speak, knowing my leopard is barely contained.

"I can read your fucking mind you idiot so keep your thoughts AWAY from anything about Riki and minding her business. Ash is her sister and she is her business." I step forward, letting my eyes glow yellow, as Kade stares at me warily. "You ever think a derogatory thing about my mate again and I'll beat your ass." He starts to speak until he sees my hands are now claws and he realizes how bad my control is right now. "On second thought I'll kill you then I'll eat you. Since your too much of a fucking coward to protect Ash or anyone else but yourself. But don't worry you'll come back, your G.A now. Besides it will only hurt for a little bit." I grab his arm and yank him roughly to me as I take a deep breath and struggle for calm. He winces as my claws dig into his arm and rivulets of blood drip onto the floor. He starts to speak again but I interrupt him as I let go of his arm. Frustrated I run my fingers through my hair.

"Look I came in here fully intending to beat your ass. But I've changed my mind. I'm going to give you some friendly advice instead. Ash is Liam's, whether she knows it or not besides you'll never be enough for her. I know deep down you feel bad about leaving Liam to deal with Phelan and you should. Just know this. If Liam's wolf is feral when he comes back because you couldn't grow some balls and help her then you're going to be the one to end it because you'll owe him that. You should also know that Ash, who has already had some heavy shit laid on her, won't recover from it either. Truthfully we may have to kill her too because whether she's claimed or not it may send her over the edge to lose him." My eyes meet his so that he sees how serious I am. "And if that happens Kade, I'll find a way so that you won't come back if I kill you because it will destroy my mate as well." Brushing past him I walk out of the room and down the hall. Kade, stays where he's at, frozen in place as the doors shuts behind me.

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