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   After that night when they confessed their feelings for each other, they decided to do everything on their hands to be together.

   “As long as we know, there is a version of you in my dimension” Tae murmurs typing on his laptop, sitting on the carpet near the couch, where Seokjin is lying, listening to him “I already checked every Kim Seokjin on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, YouTube... But I can't find you in any social media. I'm in the verge of checking Tinder!”

   “The myself of another dimension doesn't need that thing to get a date. Just look at this face” Seokjin is purposely kidding to calm the environment. He noticed Tae is getting mad for his failed looking-for-Seokjin try.

   The joke puts a slight smile on the younger's face. And that's something.

   “Maybe this Seokjin is a technology-hater, and he doesn't have social accounts” Tae grimaces and closes the laptop.

   “Is there a person without social accounts nowadays? I don't know, if that Jin doesn't use them, he's a weirdo. You shouldn't look for him” the black-haired says while looking at the ceiling.

   Taehyung stands up, walks and sits down on the edge of the couch, staring at Seokjin with a serious face.

   “I don't care. If the Jin on my dimension has only half of everything you have, it worths the effort” Tae sweetly says.

   And one more time, he craves for touching that transparent face, that is so close of him, and at the same time so, so far away.

   When Jimin came to solve their doubts, he said if that interdimensional hole was temporary, was going to fade away sooner or later. But now it's about six months since that visit, and it seems like it is more and more settled there.

   And then he realizes. Jimin! He can help them find the versions of themselves they are looking for.

   “What happen? Wha... What did you come up with?” Seokjin asks. Because after all those months living with the younger, he started to identify some of his gestures (which is not that hard, since the boy is an open book).

   The older doesn't get an answer. Tae already jumped and ran to find his phone to call Jimin.

   He tells Tae he's gonna visit him at early night. Since they have plenty of time until his arrival, Tae leaves the apartment for a couple hours to solve some work issues, and Jin leaves too, but to go buy some new headphones.

   Tae takes the train, because his car is on repairs. He doesn't like to take the public transport during rush hours, being stuck tightly among the people's bodies, like in a stinky can of sardines was the hell itself for him. But since he hasn't a better choice, he has to bear with it.

   He comes back home at sunset time. And he's surprised to find Seokjin standing next to the couch, with an expression he can't decipher in his face... As if... As if there's a though wandering in his head.

   “Hyung?” Taehyung closes the door, takes off his coat and face mask, and reaches Jin, who seems to be trying to put into words whatever it's inside his head “You're scaring me. What happen?”

   “Tell me you remember where you were a while ago, like at 4:11 pm” the older's voice tone is almost desperate.

   “I don't know, give me a minute” Tae looks at the floor, tries to remember the last hours and then it hits him “I was in the train at that moment. It arrived at 3:55 pm, I remember because it came early. Why you asking?”

   “You met me” he says, still obviously excited “I mean, you crossed paths with the Seokjin in your dimension. I... I felt you, Tae.”

Long-Distance Roommates (Jintae three-shots) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now