"...is that why I'm back?" He furrowed his brows. You only shrugged, unsure what made him return to being human after all these years. He was at a loss for words and it didn't get better when Youngjo came up to him with his chest puffed out.

"This is Youngjo. He's my friend," you said, baffling the man. He stared down at your bird with caution.

"...I'm Kim Namjoon. Prince of Concordia." The prince introduced himself to your raven.


"I did not give you permission." Namjoon immediately looked at you with a glare. For a brief second, his eyes looked red as he gritted his teeth.

"...please. Calm down." You did your best to not cower. Even though you felt unsure of yourself, you continued. Youngjo was by your side and doing his best to intimidate Namjoon. The man was staring at you with so much anger in his eyes. You couldn't really blame him. With everything he's gone through, you were sure he felt so lost and just needed answers. "I wanted to talk to you about why I came here. It started with playing the memories of the past. You saw them?"

"I...did." Namjoon pursed his lips. His eyes traveled down, unable to look you in the eyes. It wasn't pleasant witnessing his most awful memory happen all over again in such vivid detail. Once more he had to see his servants die as well as his own father. Namjoon watched everything he used to have leave him for the second time on his birthday. He was beginning to hate this day. "You did those spells earlier—did you break my curse?"

"If I did then not intentionally. None of the spells I used were to make you human again," you answered. Namjoon glanced up at you with a frustrated sigh. He was struggling to sit still as he shook his leg. Eventually, Namjoon grabbed your shoulders tightly to bring you close. Your eyes widened at his actions, freezing in his hold. You didn't dare move even when Youngjo cawed loudly at Namjoon.

"Tell me everything I have missed. Now." Namjoon demanded. His stern expression only faltered when Youngjo pecked his leg. It just made Namjoon get closer to you which was the opposite of what your raven wanted. "Leave me be! I want answers!"

"Leave me be! I want answers!" Youngjo mimicked exactly. It equally disturbed and annoyed Namjoon, but he saw no point in fighting with a bird. He released another sigh before looking at you. Namjoon ignored the blush on your face as he continued to hold you.

"You will answer my every question. You do not get to leave this castle until I get what I want. Understood?" Namjoon raised a brow.


Perhaps you were too submissive. Namjoon was going to use that to his advantage though. It's not like you had put much of a fight against him earlier. It was only Youngjo who was trying to pick a fight and defending you. He was an intelligent man and that hasn't gone away even with all his years stuck as a dragon. Namjoon studied you quietly as he took in all the information that you were giving him. Obviously, there was a lot to take in and you knew he wouldn't be able to handle it all so fast. It had to be overwhelming to him.

Still, you stuck by his side like he wanted. Namjoon held you tight just so you wouldn't try to run away and leave him lost. He found out right away that his title and power no longer held control over Concordia. The small village was run by a council instead that has made magic against the law. Anyone seen engaging in witchcraft will be sentenced to death. Namjoon raised a brow at you, but you chose to keep giving him information rather than explaining why you haven't gotten caught yet. That wasn't important.

What he did need to know was that leaving the island was impossible. As you mentioned earlier, the curse left Concordia isolated. Ships that try to travel too far and reach the fog never come back. The most that does is when things come back to the shore. All of you were stuck here in this paranoid bubble where death could occur at any second from random accusations or a creature attacking someone. At the same time, a mythical creature is killed on sight if it appears in the village. For the most part, there is a decent understanding of territories and you honestly wouldn't even call it that.

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