Episode Ten: End of the Beginning

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"April!" Chris yelled out, "I won't hesitate to kill you, you little brat!"

I looked back and smiled, "oh Chrissy, there's no shame in running. Don't try to be a hero. Not today."

She squeezed her fist and took out a gun from her holster. I never knew she even had a gun. Three weapons is too much for one person. Two I understand, but three?

"You little bitch," Chris spat out.

"Shoot me then," I put my hands up while I held onto the sword.

"Not that easy," Chris lunged toward me.

I was caught off guard and dropped the sword. Mittens ran over and kicked Chris in the gut. She fell off of me, coughing.

I punched her quickly before getting up and grabbing my bow. I tossed it to Mittens who caught that and the quiver and ran to the car.

Chris grabbed my leg and I fell, hitting my head. My vision went blurry. I felt blood on the corner of my head, next to my hair line. I groaned in agony and still had a blurry vision.

"I will fucking kill you," Chris got on me and held onto my wrists. I struggled back while my head spun. Black splotches were shown and I closed my eyes as I fought.

I remembered all of the negativity. No parents. No family. The girls lost their parents at three and one. I lost my uncle and aunt. I lost everyone. Mittens family is gone. We only have eachother. I have to fight for them.

I pushed back at Chris who fell back. She was getting weaker from how many hits she's taken. Shot in the leg. Cut on the arm. Kicked in the gut. Punched in the face.

"I don't care how pissed off you are and how badly you want to survive," I coughed, "I won't stop fighting you. I hate you. I plan to live for a long time. To outlive the human race. To watch the girls grow up. I won't rest until I find a home for us."

She looked pissed and annoyed. She reached for her sword and took hold of it, holding it over my chest. I smiled while I had my hand on her gun the whole time. I got it out of her hand and shot it right next to her hear.

She dropped the sword and covered her ears, screaming from the pain of it being so loud next to her. I felt it partially since it was pretty close to me too but it was worth it.

Walkers were coming from every corner. I stood up quickly and dove for the sword but she grabbed it first and swung it at me. I stumbled back and bolted towards the car. I bumped into a walker and quickly shoved it away.

I still had her gun. There were a lot of walkers around already. It doesn't matter if I make more noise now. I shot one in the head as I walked. I shot a few more and saw Mittens right outside the car.

I looked back and saw Chris killing walkers with ease, even while wounded and physically exhausted, "She's crazy," I looked at Mittens.

"Let's go," Mittens got in the driver's side. I got in the passengers and held a cloth that Mittens gave me, to my head. Genny and Olive were in the back, buckled up.

I looked at the review mirror and saw Chris watching us as Mittens started driving. I looked out the window, catching my breath. Chris still stayed watching us.

She was also seen killing more walkers easily. I looked at the gun I held and put it in the glove box after turning the safety on. Genny will need a gun eventually and we can find one for Olive someday.

We headed onto the main road and some trees were around. We later passed a field that was still beautiful. I stared at it in awe. We don't know where we'll go or what will happen. All I know is that Chris won't let this down.

She's the type to never let go. The type to do anything and everything to finish a goal which would be admiring if it wasn't where you were willing to murder anyone and anything on sight. We have an enemy. We outnumber her. We will make it.

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