Episode Six: Reuinion

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I walked holding Gennys hand and the other holding Olives car seat while she was fast asleep in it. It was day time and the sun was in the sky but it was great weather.

Genny had been crying off and on, of course. She lost both her parents in one day. Olive won't have any memories of her parents.

I saw a sign that showed that Boston was close. We had been walking for a while and took breaks in between.

"My feet hurt," Genny complained.

"Mine too but we have to keep going," I breathed out. This was not fun. I hated walking, especially this long, "a break wouldn't hurt, actually."

I sat against a store and gave Olive her bottle while she cried, reaching for it. Genny sat beside me and drank her water that I found in a store. Room temperature but still clean and still something.

I yawned and looked up. Boston was a big city with really tall buildings. Like New York but in Mass. I hated cities but it won't be busy so it won't be terrible.

Traffic was always bad there. People sucked there too. I looked at my watch. It was my uncles and I plan to give it to Olive when she's old enough since she won't remember her parents.

It was past noon so I decided to get up before I fell asleep, "break time is over."

"Already?" Genny stood up.

"We don't wanna be stuck walking in the dark later, right?"

"Are you scared of the dark?"

"I am," I nodded.

Genny laughed a bit, "me too."

I smiled and continued to walk with her. Olive was fast asleep again. I noticed broken windows in some houses. Looked like a break in but walkers don't break in.

They can break glass and crawl in but this all seemed intentional since every single house had the same thing. A couple of doors were broken down.

I walked toward a house and looked down at the door. There were marks in the middle of it like it was hit in one spot to get it down. Something sharp.

"This isn't from walkers," I talked to myself.

"How do you know?"

"Well, walkers don't carry weapons. Sharp things. They aren't smart like that," I explained.

"So they are dumb," Genny smiled.

"Thats right, and we're not," I stood up and picked the car seat up again. Genny held my hand as we continued on to walk. We were so close I could practically smell it.

The terrible city air. The sewage water, the weed, and gasoline. I saw the bridge that crossed to the city. My face lit up, "there's the big city."

"Woah, those houses are like super duper tall."

"I know right, they are very very tall."

"Thats crazy."

"Whats crazier," I continued walking, "is that people built those."


"Mhm, people just like us built that. If humans can do that, it shows that you can do anything you put your mind at."

"Thats so cool," Genny laughed.

I crossed the bridge with them and honestly, I liked Boston better with less people. It was peaceful. Still stank but it was peaceful.

A car would be nice at this time. The problem though is none of the cars have keys in them. I heard a screech. Not a human. I ran towards the sound which woke Olive up.

She began to cry and I quickly put the binky in her mouth, "shh shh, it's ok."

A crash echoed. I held onto Gennys hand and looked around. I saw where the smoke came from so I quickly went in the office building and brought Genny and Olive into a nice big closet.

"You have to stay in here for now, and stay quiet," I held my finger to my mouth.

"We won't move."

"Good and this is a nice big closet so you won't feel squished. I'm relying on you to protect your sister. When I come back I will do a secret knock," I made a pattern of a knock on the wall.

Genny nodded, "ok, be careful."

I smiled and closed the door. I took my bow and quiver off the bag before putting it in with Genny and Olive. I ran out of the office building and towards the smoke.

A car. I slowly walked towards it, my arrow ready just in case. Sparks appeared from the car. I quickly pulled my arrow back as I aimed it at the seat of the car.

Nothing. No one was in it. Which meant I wasn't alone. I looked around and ran. I saw no one nearby. That was until I heard a gun cock back from behind me.

I jumped and turned quickly. The girl had shoulder length curly hair. Color faded in the hair. She had glasses that fit her just right.

"Mittens?" I hesitated.

She ran to me in excitement and I let go of my bow and arrow and hugged her.

"April April April, I found you finally, I can't wait to catch up. I'm so glad your ok."

"Wait wait so you got my message?" I asked, smiling.

"Of course I did, I couldn't respond because that's when those things got in the building we were in."

"Where is everyone?"

She looked away, "didn't make it...not long."

"I'm so sorry...Olive and Gennys parents didn't make it."

"I'm sorry...are the little ones ok?"

"Follow me," I took Mittens hand and ran to the office building. I gave the secret knock.

"Come in," Genny said. She was so sweet.

I opened the door with a smile, "I found a friend."

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