Episode Five: Gone

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The wind was making it colder than it really is. It felt nice out though. And very quiet. Too quiet. Walkers surrounded the perimeter of the area.

Stay quiet and they won't come near you. I drew my arrow back, aiming at the walker right ahead of me. I breathed and let loose, hitting its head.

I had to dial down my excitement though. This was a serious matter. I needed to find my uncle.

It was oddly quiet and I hated the silence. I never liked too much silence, especially when I'm alone. I don't like being alone.

A twig snapped and I quickly turned with my bow out. Nothing. Just a bird or walker. Nothing to worry about. I walked forward again. The town was so abandoned. It's so sad. That's when I fell and dropped my bow.

A walker was right on me. I struggled while confused on how it was so fast and why does it look slightly different. I kept hitting its chest. I took an arrow out from my quiver and jammed it into its skull.

I crawled out from under it, panting from shock. It was fast. It looks more rotted though. Like it's been one for a while. How long has this been going on? It hasn't been online because people were killed.

This means you go more crazy within years. That wasn't even that fast. It was mildly fast so it must be a slow process. I backed up and took my bow from the ground. That's when I ran.

I didn't know where. I don't know where my uncle even is. I just kept running. I looked at buildings and began to think that he could be in one.

I slowed down and went inside an old drug store. It had some things here and there. Nothing usefull. I saw no medicine of any kind. I went behind the counter and just found a dead clerk. Something was off about it. It wasn't bitten or attacked. It looked like a bullet mark-

I bumped into a bookshelf which made it creak and wobble. I jumped and looked at it. It was in the back office.

There were files in it along with a single set of pills. People must have taken all of the rest of medicine and food from this place. I got the medicine and walked out.

That's when I heard gunshots from not too far from here. My feet took off without me even realizing. I was heading towards the gunshots. It could by my uncle. He could be in trouble.

I got inside a house and a walker was on top of him, dead. He pushed the thing off of him and breathed out.

I ran and hugged him tight, "thank god."

"April, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to find medicine for aunty but I couldn't find anything and all I could find was one thing of Ibuprofen," I explained.

"Thats dangerous, are you insane? I-"

"You said you were gonna be back in three days tops," I snapped, "the girls got impatient, aunt got worried and I got paranoid that something had happened."

"I'm glad you are trying to help but I'm afraid you're too late. My time is limited."

There was a silence, "what?"

He pulled the collar of his shirt down to reveal a bite mark on his neck.

"And the gunshots...."

"Was to get the thing off of me. I don't know how it even got inside. My stuff was stolen, and I did have medicine in that stolen bag, I thought of it."

My eyes stung, "that means you'll turn..."

"Not if you finish it for me," he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder but I quickly shook it off.

"No, we can I don't know, try something so it doesn't get to your whole body-"

"Thats impossible," he sighed, "I wanted to live, April. I wanted to see my two girls grow up. I wanted to be with your aunt until we got old. I wanted my girls to be happy and have fun with me...I didn't want this either."

He was teared up and so was I. Tears fell and I looked down, holding my bow still since I picked it up. I slowly slipped out an arrow.

"Ok...ok I'll do it."

He sat down and leaned his back against the wall, "make sure my girls know that I love them very much."

I sniffed and breathed shaky, "I...I will," I looked at him, raising my bow with the arrow drawn back. I closed my eyes that let a tear fall. And that's when I let the arrow loose.

I kept my eyes losed and turned around. I wiped my face and ran out. I bolted to the neighborhood and saw walkers hitting the fence around the house. My sad expression shifted to a really pissed off one.

I took an arrow out and shot one in the head. I kept shooting the other ones with one shot and retrieved all of the arrows. I got inside and opened the girls room, "I'm back."

Genny hugged me, "where's daddy?"

I backed away so she could see my face, "I'm sorry...but you won't be able to see him...ever again."

Her expression changed and started to cry. I couldn't lie to her. She has to know. Hiding things never ends well. I gave her a squeeze before I went to my aunts room and she was coughing a lot.

"Is he ok?" She asked weakly.

"He's...gone," I looked down, still shaken up, "we have to leave."

"I can barely move," she groaned.

"Those dead things are managing to break in, we have to leave," I began to cry from fear, "you have to get up."

"April...you need to take Genny and Olive...take them and run. Go anywhere but here. Head to Boston."

"The city?"

"Yes, you can get through there to get towards the country area. Towns or just open land. But you have to go through Boston."

"Ok...ok I will...I promise," I backed away and closed the door. All this was happening so fast. A week with them was the best week ever. We played games and watched TV along with training and cooking.

I picked Olive up, "Genny, I need you to pack a bag. Can you do that for me?"

"Ye-yeah," she nodded.

"Ok get Olives binky, bottle of milk, her dog stuffy, and one of your stuffys along with a few diapers."

She got it all together and followed me when I headed to the door. I put Olive in her little car seat and picked it up. I had my bow attached to the bag Genny had packed. My uncle made a little attachment thing along with my quiver of arrows attached to the side of it.

I held Gennys hand with my free hand and headed out. She was wiping her face and so was I. Thats when it rained and I found the tree I cried in from before my uncle found me.

I placed Olive inside along with Genny. I sat on the ground in front of it, leaning against it, "it will be ok...it will all be ok."

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