"All right, so how do we get up there?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Well, I've got a counter spell from Cora, if you'd be so kind," Hook said, and motioned to his bound wrists. They each shared a look before Mary Margaret walked up to Hook with a cold face, roughly ripping the ropes from his wrists. He smirked as he said, "Thank you, my lady," and winked at her. As he removed his rags to reveal his pirate garb underneath, Mary Margaret gave her daughters an annoyed glance. Hook held up his right hand and tapped a glowing black band around his wrist. "I've got one more of these. Cora was to accompany me. So, which one of you five lovelies shall take her place? Hm? Go on, fight it out. And don't be afraid to, you know, really get into it."

As the women all stepped away from him to have a more 'private' conversation, they actually did end up fighting about who would end up going. "All due respect, I am the best equipped to go," Mulan stated, looking at Mary Margaret. "How many wars have you been through?"

"My share!" Mary Margaret retorted.

"It should be me!" Aurora claimed, and they looked at her surprised.

"You? You haven't fought in a battle," Mulan pointed out.

"This is about us getting home to our loved ones. Why would you-"

"Because I have no loved ones," Aurora interrupted Mary Margaret. "If I fail, you can still go on."

"It's me. I'm going and I'm not going to fail," Emma said, but Mary Margaret spoke up to retort against her.

"You're new here."

"It's about getting back to Henry. I don't care what I have to face," Emma stated, making (Y/n) walk over from her stance next to the beanstalk.

"Emma, that's exactly why you can't go," (Y/n) said, and before Emma could respond, she kept going. "If we get back to Storybrooke and have to explain to Henry that his mom died trying to get some damn compass, do you think it's going to be worth it?"

"I'm not going to die."

"How do you know?" (Y/n) questioned, making Emma sigh. "Look, out of all of us here, I'm the best choice because I don't have anyone waiting for me to get home in Storybrooke." When Mary Margaret went to speak up against her, she stopped her and said, "Mary Margaret, you've got David. Emma, you've got Henry. Me? I don't have a son or a husband or even a boyfriend to have sleepless nights waiting over whether or not I'll return. I'm going."

Mary Margaret didn't like saying that she had a point, but she did. (Y/n) really didn't have anyone waiting for her like she did David and Emma did Henry. "I don't like this," Mary Margaret said, and (Y/n) shook her head as she gave her the sword on her side.

"I don't either, but we don't have a choice," she said, and looked over at Mulan. "Do you have anything that might help with the giant?"

"Or Hook?" Mulan stated, but the pirate heard her.


Mulan gave him a hateful glare as he looked at her, offended, before glancing back to (Y/n) and saying, "Come with me." Going out of his eyesight, Mulan pulled a pouch from her satchel and held it up to (Y/n). "This. Powder made from poppies. He has to inhale it."

"Thank you," (Y/n) said, holding it in her hands. Glancing back at her sister and mother, she looked to Mulan again and said, "Give me twelve hours. If I'm not back by then, you keep going. I don't want you to wait up on me if I'm not coming back."

Mulan nodded her head, and Hook called, "Ladies, in this world we are slaves to time, and ours in running out. In other words, tick-tock." (Y/n) let out a sigh, and rolled up the sleeve of Graham's brown jacket as she walked up to a smirking Hook. "I was hoping it would be you."

Only Her: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now