Why Didn't We Leave Earlier

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"I have made a continuous and severe lapse in my judgement," Tommy decides as he swings his sword (he stole it off Deo, don't let him lie to you) at a zombie. He probably shouldn't have stopped to watch the sunset...yeah that was probably a bad idea.
"You don't say," Deo shouts back sarcastically. He finally kills the skeleton that was shooting at him, and makes his way over to Tommy, grabbing him by the wrist and running. "We should have ran the minute we stepped foot out of Phil's house," he exclaims, pace quickening with every step.
    "See the issue with that is we share a singular braincell, there dear," Tommy reminds his darling husband, who seems to have lost his braincell. Can you have negative braincells? "Depression," he blurts out randomly, with no context to anyone but himself.
      "What the actual fuck," Deo whispers, wondering if his Sunflower is doing okay. Mans just shouted depression out of nowhere, so I highly doubt it. He eventually sets foot onto the sandy floor of the beach, with a sleepy Tommy following behind him.
     They walk back into the tent and he lays Tommy down, climbing in shortly after, deciding he'll make his own bed or home or whatever tomorrow, for right now is sleepy time.

They wake up later in the afternoon the next day, meaning they went to sleep at three in the morning. How lovely. Deo did at the very least, that is. Tommy always wakes up early to watch the sunrise, no matter what time he went to sleep. Fucking weirdo.
It's kind of adorable, as weird as it may be to Deo. Maybe it's just cause he married Tommy, and possibly fell in love with everything he does, and every part of his personality. Or maybe it's cause he's just woken up, and is still a little tired. Nonetheless, it's admirable, the way he's so determined to see the sunrise everyday, even if he risks losing sleep to do so.
He probably shouldn't let him keep doing that, but he's actually fucking sleeping at 5 am so what can he do? Sleep less? Yeah okay, Toms would absolutely beat him senseless, and then somehow or another craft choloroform to use on him. He's seen him do it before. How? No one knows. Terrifying, he knows, and yet he's married to him. He might have put himself in danger, now that he's looking back on it. He'll get some wood or something for the rest of today, and build tomorrow. Fucking Procrastinator, he is.

A/n: I've been listening to "Welcome to Nightvale" while writing. Safe to say that Carlos is fruity, and I have no clue what the fuck is happening anymore. (Chat listen it's my fucking coping mechanism since I found out about Technos death, don't judge my coping mechanisms okay?  /j /lh)

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