Where Issues Start to Surface

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Okay, so that made Tommy's cheeks light up a liitle bit, but he'll never admit that. Deo saw it anyway, and was going to make a comment on it before backtracking on what Tommy said.
"Wait, what do you mean you're not likely to have a long life if the SMP keeps being the way it does?"
Oh, how Tommy didn't want to answer that, or be there, or wished he never said that for a matter of fact. "You see, I don't know if your dumbass noticed, but I have mentioned that we here in the SMP have a tendancy to engage in wars quite often," he says, with a faux edge to help play off any underlying issues with him, or any left over questions that Deo might have.
"Okay, yeah that's fair. Though, now that I have knowledge of your habit of gardening and I'm assuming, you also have extensive knowledge of said flowers? So tell me, why is the Red Poppy you're favourite," Deo presses.

"Is this a challenge? I feel like this is a challenge," Tommy thinks while reaching far back into his mind for the meaning behind Red Poppies specifically. "Easy, Red Poppies mean rememberance and hope! It's always nice to have a symbol of hope in something so simple," he replies.
"Okay, so I've also heard that you like alliums, reason for that is...." Deo trails off, a signal for Tommy to pick up. "They mean good fortune, unity, prosperity, and patience," was the enthusiastic response he got. "What about you Deo? Whats your favourite flower? I swear to god if you say sunflower," Tommy mumbles that last bit.
"Hmmm, carnations I guess, though lavenders an daffidils are also pretty." Tommy immediately fires back a response of "Carnation: fascination, distinction, and love; lavender: peace and happiness. Daffodils: new beginnings!"
This astonishes Deo at first, and then he realizes. "Tommy thinks is a challenge, huh? Oh well, I'll call out a random name and if it's a flower, he'll tell me the meaning behind it, if not then I'll try again."
What a wonderful thought process Deo! Absolutely amazing! Even so, he proceeds to do just that. "Lemons!" followed by "Lemon blossom: discretion, whereas lemon trees mean cleansing, purity, freshness, healing, happiness, light, optimism, longevity, and friendship."

Quackity, Sapnap, and Karl are making their way to El Rapids, when they spot Tommy and the new-comer standing to the L'crater. "What are they doing," one whispers to another. "Tommy's probably giving the new guy a tour or something, chill," says the third. They get closer only to hear one shouting "Blubells," which was followed by an equally excited shout of " Kindness, care, humility, and warmth!"
All three found it nice to see that through it all, that Tommy was still Tommy.
Until you hear one ask the other "What flower means something you've never had or experienced?" They expected something like a rose, for romantic love.Instead they heard a list of flowers that they never knew existed. It starts off slow and small, with a single utterance of "Cosmos: order and harmony," and eventually the blonde gets louder, and the list gets longer.
"Lilac, growth and progress. Sweet pea, blissful pleasure. Almonds for promises. White lilacs, youthful inspirations, Meadowsweet, for protection. Rose buds are another symbol of youth. Crocus for youthful joy, and orchids for refined beauty. Balm, for sympathy. Chestnuts mean 'do me justice' and Black Eyed Susan also means justice. Calla Lily, as they mean magnificence and beauty. Camellias for unpretending excellence. White clovers mean 'I promise' and petunias for soothing nature. And finally, allyssum for 'worth beyond beauty," he finishes.
It was an innocent enough question, so why did it have such a sad answer? It was a question that had meant no harm, no ill intent. So why did he answer with such a tone that suggests he's been suffering since day one? Why did he answer with flowers that implied something horrible?

Deo is left wondering what happened on this server. He knows the basics of course, but something here had been extremely negative, and left such an impact on Tommy, his Tommy, his sunshine, that he can't even tell anyone about it. Whether that was by Tommy's choice or not, he'll never know.
"Toms, is there a reason for those choices? You don't have to go into detail if you don't want." He was about to answer Deo, he honestly was, when he hears his communicator go off. "Sorry Deo, but I'm afraid that Philza Minecraft wants us to to his house so we can talk to us."

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