Phil Loses His Kneecaps, (2022) Colorized

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        "Whatcha writing there, Theseus," Techno asks, taking note of the lack of Tommy's  voice the entire time Phil and Deo were talking. Weird to think that Tommy of all people, can indeed be quiet and focus on things. A concept that until now, was completely unheard of.
      "A poem. I think. I hate it," Tommy decides after reading it a third time since he finished writing. "It shall never see the light if day ever again," he turns to look at Phil, who was signalling for the flock of crows that mysteriously appear from nowhere, "any of you try to read it and I will bite your ankles, swear to Prime."
        "What are you, a dog," Phil sarcastically questions. Tommy looks him dead in the eyes and goes "Woof, woof, bitch." Okay, so he's a bit... feisty, per se. Like a chihuahua. He raised a chihuahua.
       Fitting, considering the amounts of pure hell and chaos he's caused. Or the fact that he gets into countless amounts of trouble, so much so that Phil can't tell if it follows him or if he chases it. It doesn't really matter either way, if he's honest.
         "Toms, we discussed this," Deo warns. Like someone scolding their puppy. Again with the dog comparisons. Nonetheless, Tommy stands his ground. "It's the masculine urge to bite. Every big man has it." Deo is not that stupid, "Is that so? Then how come I don't feel it,hm?"
     Tommy, however, is extremely good at bullshitting his way out of things, part of his charm, one could argue. "Perhaps its because you're not a big man. I have bitten many people in my life, to assert my dominance. Wilbur, Techno, even Dre- him," he shudders at the mere thought of finishing his name.
        Techno steps in, only to be an absolute nerd. "What is he, Voldemort? We shall not speak his name or we die, type of thing. His name is harmless, you can say it Theseus." Tommy has to decided to switch from passive aggressiveness to pure violence with that statement.
       "Ever heard of Verbal Triggers Techno?" He may not be traumatised (he is, Deo says he's "iN dEnIaL" and "lYiNg To HiMsElF") but TUBBO is, and he is using what he knows about Tubbo's trauma against Techno. He awoke and chose violence.
      Techno shakes his head no. He's an English major, and even so he dropped out of college to be a farmer and win a potato war against a squid child. "Thought so. A verbal trigger, or an example of it, would be Tubbo hearing your voice. Ever since you shot him, your voice is an immediate sign of danger, and signals his brain to activate his fight, flight, or freeze responses," Tommy explains. He may have just successfully guilt-tripped THE Technoblade.
      The entire time Techno and Tommy were doing that, Phil decided to read the poem Tommy hates oh-so-much. Fuck you Phil, that's an invasion of privacy. "Aww, Tommy mate, you wrote a love poem," Phil cooes. Oldza's bout to hit the grave early.
   "Say goodbye to your knees Dadza, and it's not arthritis or old age that's taking them," Tommy has some very creative threats. He also has a very large baseball bat. That he created. Out of stone. What the fuck kinda drugs is this kid on and where can I get some?
        Deo watches in disbelief. "Hé's pretty when he's angry. Slash p," Techno stares in both amazement and anger. Amazed that Deo would say 'slash p' out loud, and angry that he's flirting ( he thinks) with his brother.

Techno has ADHD, hence why the (he thinks). I have a friend who has ADHD and they have mentioned that social cues are confusing to them. Techno might have similar issues, however ADHD is different for everyone that experiences it.

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