11- The Memory Orb

Start from the beginning

"Francis," I look over my shoulder to look at my friend who looks pleased with himself. "If you fancy him, why don't you try to get his attention?"

My dear friend laughs and looks over to Sir Pine who also looks annoyed. "Nah, he's not my type. I think he's kinda ugly." Francis chuckles which makes Sir Pine frown.

"What kind of books are these?" Sir Pine cleared his throat before speaking, effectively changing conversation. I look around to see what Sir Pine is looking at. He has walked over to one of my many bookcases and stares at the ground where textbooks are piled up. 

I pause the memory. "They're Magic history books. I'll be teaching this year so I'm preparing."

"Teaching?" Francis hums. "I didn't know Masters at the Academy taught."

I swallow some dry spit. "They normally don't. I miss academia so I decided to teach. Is that so wrong?"

"Will you even be able to save my life?" Sir Pine speaks up from my bookcase. I look to see he's turned towards me with anger in his voice. "I'm sure you have duties here as the lady of the house, even more duties as a Master Mage, now you're a teacher? I'm not-"

"I have all of those titles, but I have many more people I command to make sure they do the work for me. My days tend to be going over reports and signing off on things. I won't be conducting any research which is how I usually spent my days, which are now going to be dedicated to you." I ease his worries with a stern voice. He doesn't say anything for a while and I take that as a cue that he's done.

I resume looking at the video and pause it when I see some pictographs. I instantly start copying them into paper. I frown, not recognizing any of the symbols. Nonetheless, I perfectly copy it into print.

"Oh," I warn. "You can walk around my study but do not go over there," I point to the alcove behind me. "Anything you touch in there will curse you, curse you some more or can kill you."

"The fuck? Why do you have dangerous things in here?" Francis shrieks, wrapping his arms around himself.

I smile and shrug. "Because I can?"

I leave the men to do what they can, hoping they have common sense to listen to my warnings. Time goes by as they goof around my study, making noise and distracting me by Francis' stupid questions.

"Boys," I speak up and I drop my pen. "This will take me some time and it's late." I hope they get my hint to leave.

"Oh!" Francis skips- yes skips- towards me, takes the pen I'm holding and throws it on the table and grabs my hand.


"Shh." He presses his finger to my mouth to silence me. My eyes widen as I'm stunned into silence as he takes the hand away and digs around in his pocket.

"Francis, what're you doing?" Sir Pine sounds rather concerned about Francis' weird behavior.

"I have a gift," he takes out a small jewelry box. "It's not much for a Master Duchess, but I'm relieved your alive and I like you not dead."

I look into Francis' blue eyes. He's completely sincere and I can see it through his soul. I can see he truly does treasure me and I really wish I ran from the palace when I could've gone with him- a true friend.

I bite my lip and take the box. I shakily open it and see a small pair of light sapphire earrings. I exhale and touch my mouth. He didn't have to gift me anything, not even a pair of beautiful and expensive looking earrings. I bite my lip to stop the quivering. 

"Francis..." I stand up and throw my arms around him. I bury my head into his shoulders and he quickly wraps his arms around me.

"I didn't think you'd like them that much." Francis jokes.

I shake my head. "You didn't have to buy me a gift. Besides..." I lean back so I can make eye contact with him. "I'm really happy knowing you would've missed me if I were dead. I'm happy to know you're on my side and that you don't wish for my death."

I shove my face back into the crook of his neck and hide my tears and shaky voice. I can't help but cry. I think the conversation I had with Sebastian has caught up to me. I feel his hand on my back, petting me to calm me down. 

I thought I was finally doing a bit better, building friendships with the people in my past life. However I was wrong and my brother still doesn't like me. I now have a strained relationship with the Academy since people are picking sides between Master Pamen and I. But him... I can always count on Francis.

"Giselle," he pats my head and smooths out my white hair. "I will never wish for your death. I want you to grow happy, fall in love and have a kid that will be named after me."

I sniffle and nod my head. We stay in a hug for a while. I've never really hugged others before, not family or friends... but hugging Francis feels nice. It feels like a great hug from a dear friend. I think it would be nice to make genuine friends like him. Hugs feel warm and... I start to wish for more. I squeeze harder and clear my throat. 

I finally let go and he pats my head. He looks at me, reaching forward and wiping away the tears.  "Alright, I'm going to go and sleep. Make sure you get some sleep, you have some bags growing underneath these pretty eyes. Let's go."

"Wait." Sir Pine walks towards us. "Are you staying up?"

I frown and nod. "Yes, I'll be up for some hours writing this and then starting to decode it."

"Then let me work with you. My life is something I don't want in the hands of a stranger, even if she is the Master of Ancient Magic. Let me help you." Sir Pine says.

I look at him. I can understand how hopeless he may feel about his upcoming death. He wants to try to stop it himself, but doesn't know how.

I nod. "Sure,  you can be my assistant." I settle down on the chair and clear my throat. "Do you have any experience in the Ancient language?"

"A little."

I raise my eyebrows in shock. It's uncommon for simple soldiers to know about Ancient Magic. However he is a Northern knight and he crosses the wall often enough. I'm sure he must know some basics.

"Aw," Francis wraps his arm around Sir Pine's shoulders. "You're going to be working together, how cute."

"Let's go. I'll see you tomorrow." Sir Pine nods before he pushes Francis away. I chuckle at the dramatic fall Francis pulled off as he crashes against the wall.

"Alright bye. I will see you soon, Giselle. Let's meet up for some food some day." He waves goodbye after Sir Pine pulls him to his feet. He laughs it off, waving goodbye before they walk to the exit.

"I'll hold you to that." I smile and look away and grab my fallen pen. I look to Sir Pine and we make eye contact. "Sir Pine, I'll be in my office at the Academy the next couple of days. If you wish to work with me, meet me there."

He nods his head and a flash of curiosity comes and goes in his eyes. "I'll see you then." I can't tell what is going on in his head, wondering about his true intentions. 

Normally I think I'm good at reading people, but I can't read him. I know he is hiding his appearance, but his red eyes cannot change. I don't know who he is, but I trust that Francis would not want a dangerous person around me. I look at the memory orb, wondering how he got to be so close to the Duke for him to pay for this. He must be a high ranking knight... but then why hide his face? 

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