Admiration and Curiosity

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I know I'm bad at coming up with headings and titles :,)


It was a nice day in the daycare.. Sun was cleaning up the daycare after the kids had left. Moon was sitting on the balcony, watching Sun clean. He seems to be admiring as he goes along the path..

"MOONNYY- can you help me over here instead of just staring at me suffer-?" Sun asked, as he looked at Moon, a bit upset. "Huh..? Oh, Sorry Sun."  Moon grabbed his cord and attached it to his back as he flew down towards Sun. He dropped down beside Sun, taking the cord off his back. "It's fine don't worry!" Sun said. "If you say so." said Moon. 

He helped Sun clean up the daycare. Having a lot of thoughts in his mind after he moved from the balcony when he was admiring Sun. He didn't seem to bother about it so, he just continued helping Sun. "Finally- we're done!' Sun said, proudly. "Mhm.. yep." Moon replied, sounding as if he wasn't paying attention. Which.. he wasn't. He was still admiring Sun being proud of himself as he started to slightly blush. "Moony-? you ok-? you seem a bit..- red-" Sun asked. Moon had gotten a bit startled and shook his head as he replied slightly stuttering, "I..-I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"are you sureeee-? you never act like this! are you sure you're not sick?" Sun joked as he giggled. Moon had gotten a bit flustered from Sun's giggle as he looked away quickly, hiding his face. "I-I'm not s-sick..-! I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Oh come onnn- what's wrong Moony- why are you hiding your face from me?" Sun asked, a bit confused as Moon never acts like this. "IT'S N-NOTHING-!" Moon replied, angrily flustered as he continued to hide his face with his hat. "Did I do or say something wrong?" Sun asked, upset. "....." Moon then took a deep breath and sighed as he calmed himself. He removed the hat from his face and looked at Sun. "You didn't, Sunny. It's just- I.. uhm..- d-don't want to talk about it." He said in a calming tone. "Oh c'mon- you can talk to me about anything Moony!" Sun said, relieved he didn't do anything wrong. 

".. I-I know it's just.. I don't have the.. w-well.. right words for it." He laughed nervously about it as he started to slightly blushed again. "Hmmm.." Sun looked at Moon and gasped. "You have a crush on someone don't you?" He said. "WHAT-?! I DO NOT!--. ahem.. I mean, I don't.." Moon had gotten flustered again. As he started to get nervous and laughed like it was nothing. "YOU DO HAVE A CRUSSHHH!!" Sun screamed with excitement, as he gasped again. Moon quickly covered Sun's mouth with his hand as he had gotten embarrassed. "D-DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD!! PEOPLE CAN HEAR YOU!" Moon yelled out with anger and embarrassment. 

Sun got upset and looked at the ground. Moon sighed and let go. "..Sorry-" he said. "It's fine don't worry!" Sun said, in a sad tone. "if you say so.." Moon replied in relief as he looked at Sun.

As the day went by, Sun and Moon continued what they were doing. Moon was now in his room as Sun was playing the ballpit, having fun by himself. Sun stopped and thought of what happened a few hours ago when he knew Moon had a crush on someone. He was conflicted and curious on who it was.

"I still wonder who Moon has a crush on.. imagine if it was me- but then again.. who would have a crush on someone like me?" Sun thought to himself. He continued to think as he heard someone knocking on the gate to the daycare. "huh-?" Sun goes to the gate and thinks.. "why would someone be here at this time?" As he opened the gate- to his surprise, it was one of the staff members who worked for parts n' services. They had the nametag with 'Sona' written in cursive. "oh, hey Sunny." They said. "Oh hello friend! what are you doing here? Is something wrong??" Sun asked, a tiny bit worried. "Nah, don't worry about it- I'm just here to check on you and moon to see if everything is fine, that's all." They said, very calmly. "Oh don't worry! everything's ok!" Sun said, cheerfully. "Are you sure? I'll have to double check." Sona said. "Oh yeah sure you can double check!" Sun said. "Alright then. Can you also let me in the daycare? I don't want to be standing out here all day." Sona chuckled.  "Oh right! come on in-!" Sun said as he stepped aside to let Sona in.

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