Hades, Brunhilde, Okita, Thor, & Beelzebub with an s/o who's like Kanao

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Fandom: Record of Ragnarok
Requested by: Jamaica-chan!
Warnings: Trauma, mentions of child abuse, slight manga spoilers(?) in Beelzebub's part

Summary: As a child, the reader lived in poverty and was abused to the point were they snapped and could no longer decide for themselves. The reader was later adopted by Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing who gifted her with a coin to help them make decisions. The reader now works with Asclepius in his medical center located in Heaven.

Author's note: For anyone wondering, Kanao is a character from Demon Slayer(Kny). So a lot of this is inspired off Kanao and her moments in the anime she's in.


- Brunhilde was taking Göll to one of her regular check-ups when she first met you. You had a small smile on your face but your eyes told the valkyrie that you were off in your own little world. She couldn't help but grow curious about you. I mean can you blame her?

- So while Göll was getting her check-up, Brunhilde looked around for Asclepius and found the god organizing some files. She asked him for your basic information and why exactly a human was just wandering around Heaven's local hospital.

- Asclepius sighed sadly and explained to Brunhilde your whole situation. You were abused as a child and as a result became crippled in your own mind, unable to make your own decisions and needed a coin to help you decide what you'd do.

- Brunhilde was horrified to say the least! How could someone do that to a child? Or...anyone?! She felt so sorry for you. She wanted to comfort you, even if you might not react much.

- She came back the next day by herself and found you sitting on a bench outside the hospital. The eldest valkyrie smiled as she walked up to you and said hello. You looked up, that same small smile marking your face. An awkward silence passed for a couple seconds before you slowly began to take your coin out at flip it. Heads for talk to her, Tails for don't talk to her. It landed heads.

- Ever since then Brunhilde began to visit you on an almost daily basis and soon she found herself falling in love with you. Sure you were very quiet and didn't know how to form a proper conversation, but you still made great company! And on top of that, you slowly but surely began to talk more from the heart, depending less and less on your coin.

- When she confessed her feelings, you didn't know how to respond, a thousand thoughts rushing into your brain at once. Brunhilde. Love. Confession. Orders. Rejection. Acceptance. Coin. Coin. COIN! You were about to reach for your coin when you remembered something Asclepius once said. "When you fall in love with someone, you'll change too!" That's all it took for you to say yes to her confession.

☠️ Hades ☠️

- Asclepius was visiting Hades for business reasons and decided to bring you along. When you guys got down to Helheim, Hades was already standing by the entrance to his manor waiting for you two.

- When Hades first saw you, he became very intrigued and planned on getting to know you. You were a human. A very beautiful one at that. But as some say, the eyes are the window to the soul. And to Hades, your eyes told him that you had experienced something traumatic. Something that had broke you to your very core. He wasn't wrong really. :/

- Turns out you and Asclepius would have to stay overnight since it was already getting late and it wasn't safe to walk out of Helheim at this hour. Hades took advantage of this and tried to get you to talk to him. It took a few coin flips but eventually you responded to him. (And thank goodness too cause Hades was about to lose it).

- Hades enjoyed talking with you! Even if the only things you said were the reasons behind your coin flipping and a simple "Greetings lord Hades." He liked that you had opened up to him, even if it was just a little.

Anime x Reader HeadcanonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora