08 - shine a light

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Authors note: This is a really long one.. 3k words.. sooo enjoy and let me know what you think <3

"Uhm.. have- have you eaten yet?"
You asked Bucky shyly, with rosy cheeks.


"I could- I could make you lunch.. If you like"

"That sounds amazing but.." he looked at his drenched body.

"You can take a shower in the meantime if you want. I am sure I have an oversized shirt for you and can find some joggers that may fit... only.. if you want..."

"I don't want to make any inconvenience.."

"You don't I promise.
I would have to eat any time soon anyways."

"Then I'd love to take on that offer.." His lips curled into a smile.

"Great, give me a minute. I'm going to look trough my closet."

He awkwardly stood still until you came back a few minutes later, after searching trough your whole closet.

"Here you go, the bathroom is right there, hopefully spider free" you winked.

"Thanks" he smiled, grabbing the piles of clothes from you.

As he saw the t-shirt laying on top his smile disappeared.

"What? Got anything to say against my old JFK shirt?" You laughed.

He looked at you in a panic.

"It's an old one don't worry. It's way to big on me anyways. I only wore it to sleep. You can keep it if you want."

"I- I think I killed him.." he stammered.

You begun to laugh even more.

"I- I wasn't joking.." he looks into your eyes with sorrow.

"Oh.. well.. but I guess it still is kinda funny, isn't it?"

He looked at you sad and confused.

"You know who JFK is and what he did right? I think it's really ironic that the organization you worked for made you kill him. I'm sure they saw him as a really big treat and he for sure would've been if he would've lived longer.
His death had to happen. It's not your fault, James"

"Mhmm.." he looked to the pile of clothes in his hands again.

You rested your hand on his.
"It wasn't your fault."

He shed a small smile and slowly nodded.

"Is there anything you don't eat? Allergies or preferences?" You tried to end the topic cause you noticed how uncomfortable it made him.

"No, I eat everything." His smile now brighter than before.

"Great" you excitedly clapped your hands together.
In the corner of your eyes you saw another oversized shirt of you laying on the couch, which you only wore the day before.

You walked over to pick it up and gave it to Bucky.

"I wore it yesterday but it should be fine. If you rather want to wear that than the other shirt"

Bucky sights relieved.
"Thank you"

Bucky walked into the bathroom and you walked back to the kitchen, getting a mop out to dry the floor.

You decided on making Bolognese with your favorite pasta.
The one you like to call butterfly pasta.

You heard the shower turning on and smiled to yourself as you started chopping up some vegetables and frying the meat.

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