🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 11 "Gen Z in Countryside" #1

Começar do início

Miyoung: Let's make fried chicken with that

Hayoon: I said I want baeksuk!

Nari: Oh, a dragonfly

Hayoon: Who wants to ride a bike with me?

Jihye: I want to go on the tractor! Can you drive the tractor?

Miyoung: No, I've only seen my grandfather drive it

Hayoon: Wait a minute, what's wrong with the gear?

(Yup with that they all being disturb and not paying attention. Person going to ride a bike/Person going to ride a tractor. Hayoon leaves before Miyoung dumps her)

Hayoon: I'm going to Seoul! Bye. Stay safe!

(50km to Seoul)

Miyoung: I don't want to work that hard

(It means she wants to)

Nari: Okay guys focus let's cook our lunch first.

Jihye: Miyoung, should I do this? Am I in charge of the fire?

(Miyoung obviously in charge of cooking. Hayoon is organizing the plates)

Hayoon: I need to clean all of these. I don't want to do it. I want to do something, but I want to do something easy but there's nothing easy to do

(Prepping and clean-up: Hayoon, Cooking team: Miyoung & Nari and fire maker Jihye)

Hayoon: Jihye, have you ever tried picking cabbages?

Jihye: I haven't picked cabbages before but I've picked on people

(She's unhappy, but she doesn't speak out. Whatever she's probably joking)
(Let's ask Miyoung)

Hayoon: Miyoung, can we pick cabbages wearing gloves?

(A cute question)

Miyoung: Yes!

(Okay, let's wear our gloves and go pick the cabbages. A small cabbage garden in the yard)

Hayoon: I think we should take these, not those

(She seems confident in cabbage picking. Hesitant)

Jihye: This... Should we do this? Let's do this. Raise it, and pop!

(Jihye is the one to do the actual work)

Jihye: There we go

(She's tough even when giving compliments)

Hayoon: Nice, Park Jihye

(They gets the cabbages!)

Hayoon: One is enough.

Jihye: One would be more than enough

(They start prepping the cabbage)

Hayoon: We should throw out the outer leaves, right?

BIG HIT's GIRLS 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora