Part 27

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Jayden pov;

The next morning, we woke up by the sound of people screaming our names. I woke up immediately to shout at them and they saw us. They immediately ran to us and check our condition.

I carried Vellinsa while they all guide us like bunch of bodyguards protecting a minister's daughter. We all arrive and I put Vellinsa to sit.

I then kneel down infront of her grandpa. He look at me confuse. I confess " I'm sorry I did a bad thing to Vellinsa last night. I didn't mean to, I try to keep her warm but I had to touch her ". Her grandpa started to rage. " How dare you " he say while he slap me.

I look at Vellinsa, she look at me not believing I confess that to her grandpa. Her grandpa then instruct the villagers to take me and tied me up on a bamboo pole. They tied me up and starting to hit me with a bamboo stick.

They all punish me by doing that. I accept it anyway because it's what I ask for. I feel bad that I had to touch Vellinsa to keep her warm. It's okay I will handle it myself. I'm the one who started this, I might as well need to end this.


Vellinsa pov;

I watch everyone punishing Jayden and I can't deny my heart felt bad for him. I feel like I want to stop them from hitting him. I wanted too but I keep reminded of what he did to me before. At the same time, I can't bear to see this. I enter my room trying to avoid all of the mix feelings inside me.

I exit the room to see what they do to Jayden. He left them tied on the pole. Then I saw Lili took the tie off and help him. I approach them and let Jayden to come inside my room. Jayden sit while try to bear the pain.

I took out the traditional medicine to treat his wounds. I look at his body is full of long cuts because of the bamboo stick. I feel scared to put the medicine on him cause I'm scared he would feel painful.

I try to put the medicine slowly and saw his face trying to handle the pain. My eyes are teary just by seeing him. Because of me he had to face this.

I ask Jayden to sleep in my room. He insist on sleeping outside but I ask him to sleep with me so he got no choice he had to listen because I keep forcing him. I ask for my grandpa's permission so he won't misunderstood. He didn't want to give permission at first because he's worried Jayden might took advantage but I keep on persuade him till he give up.

I sleep and turn my back on Jayden. It's been 30 minutes I can't sleep suddenly. I try to sleep but at the same time I don't want to move a lot because I'm scared I would interrupt Jayden's sleep.

I felt Jayden's presence approaching me slowly and look at me. I pretend to shut my eyes. He say something " I'm sorry I've been so bad to you all these years. I will leave tomorrow and let you live peacefully without me. I love you ". He kiss my cheeks. I can even feel his tears falling down on my cheek. He's leaving tomorrow?

Why do I suddenly feel like I don't want him to go.

The next morning I woke up, I saw beside me Jayden is not there. I immediately wake up to check outside and saw my grandpa appear infront of me. " He's already back to town " he say. I feel down I just look down at the floor not believing he really actually will leave.

He left.

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