Lights out (Moon x terrified reader)

Start from the beginning

"Oh no" you said "I gotta get LB/N" you said exiting the arcade and making your way towards the daycare

When you made it to the lobby of the daycare another announcement went off "Attention all Faz bear Entertainment Guests the Pizzaria is now closed, thank you for coming". 

"Oh, Great" you sighed as you made your way to the slide and took a seat on the edge.

  You then pushed yourself down the slide and before you knew it you landed in a colorful ball pit. You stood up the balls came just up to your waist, as you made your way through the ball pit and to the bridge. You pulled yourself out of the pit and were met with an employee desk and the bright candy colored interior of the daycare. As you looked around you spotted LB/N fast asleep on the chair behind the desk. 

"Well, I found him, now what do we do we're locked in" as you finished your sentence all of a sudden, the lights went out. 

"Oh, that's just fantastic, could this get any worse" you called out to no one raising your arms and throwing them down to your sides, little did you know it would in fact get much worse.

From the dark you heard a mechanical chuckle, you turned in the direction you heard it come from and saw complete darkness. You looked all around but it was no use it was too dark to see a thing.

"Hello....Is someone there...?" you called out backing up slowly.

"Naughty girl, it's passed your bedtime" the voice now sounded much closer

 From behind you, you heard a small creak and turned around slowly, when you were fully turned around you were face to face with the moon animatronic you had seen on the statue earlier in the day. Its red eyes lit up your face as you looked up at it. 

"Oh shit" you whispered as you took off running in the dark.

      As you were running you pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight, to your right you saw an opening to one of the play structures you quickly ducked down and climbed your way up the stairs to the top of the play structure. After a while you noticed it was awfully quiet, as you turned off your flashlight as to not draw attention to yourself. 

"Is he gone" you breathed trying to catch your breath, but as you turned to look behind you, you saw a pair of red eye lights coming towards you extremely quickly in the dark.

"WTF" you screamed as you crawled as fast as you could away from the animatronic. 

   Before you could tell what was happening you were pinned down by the moon animatronic, you tried to flail out of his grasp, but it was no use he wouldn't budge. Feeling helpless you began to hyperventilate, you started looking around and you felt your eye's well with tears.

"Hey, it's ok" the animatronic said his voice cracking a bit as he scooped you up and pulled you into his lap. "Breathe it's going to be ok I'm not going to hurt you" he whispered gently stroking your back.

"Do you feel a little better" he asked still holding you in his arms

"Yeah" you sniffled your face buried in his chest.

"Now let's get out of here" he said scooping your up in his arms bridal style and carrying you out of the play structure.

  He carefully carried you over to a couch sitting on the outer side of the Daycare, he used one hand to pull the couch out into a bed and he gently placed you on the bed and went to walk away. You quickly grabbed one of the strigs hanging from his wrist as you did a little jingle sounded.

"What is it" he whispered turning to face you.

"Are you leaving" you asked looking slightly down, feeling a bit embarrassed for stopping him

"I'm just grabbing a blanket" he replied as he disappeared into the darkness returning a few moments later with a star blanket in hand. 

  He draped the blanket over you and sat on the floor in front of you, you reached your hand out and he took it in his. You turned away from him feeling butterflies forming in your stomach. After a little bit he pulled a storybook from the bookshelf by the bed.

"How about a story to help you go to sleep" he suggested using his free hand to turn the pages.

"You slowly nodded turning back to face him as he began to read. 

After a while of listening to him read you felt yourself drifting to sleep, "Sweet dreams y/n, I'll be here when you wake up" was the last thing you heard before it faded to black.

Part 2?

Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now