8 - Charming Bastard

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Despite being in the A. S. S chamber for a few hours, she wasn't sure about its exact location. She thought that they were in a cave-like area, perhaps an underground basement. The rooms here were decorated just like a home, only without windows. Still, ventilation was quite plenty.

Nene sat quietly as she witnessed the A. S. S. meeting. Although she had no idea what they were talking about, she observed the members thoroughly, especially Hanako. He has always been childish and naughty to her, but he was particularly charismatic in this moment. What do they call this type of people again again?

"Charming bastard," Nene whispered underneath her breath. She quickly panicked, eyes roaming around to see if anyone heard her. No one did, though. So, she continued to listen to the group's discussion.

"We can't keep asking funds from NASA and the government. They're going to be reluctant if we propose a third one," Tsuchogomori said calculatively, "we need to get our heads up, No.7."

"Then, how do you suggest we repair Tiny Light 02? We've been doing this for years, now. If there's no improvement by the end of the year, I repeat, THIS year, they will cancel the project for sure," Akane ruffled his hair.

"We still have time left until then. Kako and Mirai are on their way to Kamome right now. They should be able to fix it," Hanako said.

"But, No. 7. If they do cancel this project, what would happen to us?" Mei raised her hand.


"I know I dragged all of you into this mess. But ultimately, we have the same goal. You have your reasons, either personal or professional. The least I can do for you is to do this until the end."

The meeting ended. Nene wondered what kind of job Hanako would trust her, an assistant, with. Surely, it was something greatly beneficial to A. S. S., right? She might just be a novelist, but she can handle paperwork and stuff. Surely, it won't be something like...cleaning.

"Why do I have to do this?" she whined.

"Isn't this better than doing astronomical physics? It's very boring, you know," Hanako smiled.

Well, he was not wrong. However, Nene still wasn't to happy about it. She took expensive literature lectures and classes in the country's best university just to wipe toilet seats. What a nightmare.

She realized that the chamber has several bedrooms, too. She pondered if she needed to stay here or go back to Kamome.

"I think you should just stay. It's a long ride anyway. We'll go in the morning to get your things." Hanako said.

"If you want, we can share a room. I definitely wouldn't mind." He smirked flirtatiously.

"No," Nene said flatly.

"Jeez, so harsh." He pouted.


Nene put herself to bed, stuffing her body into the warm blanket. She ended up in sharing Mei's room. Weeks passed, and she continued her 'job' at the chamber. Hanako was as flirty as ever, though she started to pile up questions. She couldn't help herself but wonder.

"Mei-san, what kind of person is Hanako-kun?" she asked, as Mei undid her braids.

"No.7? I'm not particularly close with him. I just ended up here because of his damn brother." She showed a disgusted expression.

"He has a brother?"

"Ah, I forgot you two just met a few weeks ago. Tsukasa is his twin brother. That cheeky brat got us into this trouble. But I was close to him. He's a really weird friend."

Another new thing Nene learned about Hanako. Even after helping her so much and becoming engaged to her, he rarely spoke of himself.

Mei hopped onto bed with her.

"Sorry, you were asking about No.7, right? This guy is hella mysterious, yet he's trustworthy. A self-claimed leader, but everything went well under his guidance. Except for...you. Though, I think you worked out your role already." She giggled.

Nene just rolled her eyes. Yeah, she's the cleaning lady of the chamber, alright.

"Does he, you know, act the same to the others?" Nene asked shyly.

"Act like what?"

"Like...when he gets all touchy and tease you shamelessly."


"Oh, Nene. You are very adorable, you know that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think you realize how much you fancy each other. Look at you all curious. Such a fast-paced chemistry."

"But he's not even my type!"

"You always say that. And every night you go No.7 this, No. 7 that."

Nene silently grew red.

"Nevermind, then. Sleep well, Nene."

Mei pulled her blanket and snuggled comfortably, closing her eyes. Nene wondered if she's right. Maybe she does fancy Hanako. Just maybe.

Damn, Charming Bastard.

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