1 - When He Fell from the Sky

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Nene looked up to the dark sky, lighted by millions of luminous stars. The cool breeze blew onto her cream, waist-length hair with teal tips.
When will I ever find my true love, she thought to herself. As a hopeless romantic, she has as close to zero chance in finding her ideal partner.

"C'mon, God! All I want is a handsome guy. Please, let me meet my princely soulmate," she closed her eyes and intertwined her fingers together, leaning onto her bedroom window frame.

In a distance, there was a loud noise. It was a very noisy one indeed. Nene opened her eyes to see what happened. It can't be, was that...a spacecraft? A spacecraft just landed on the forest in front of her house! What the...?

No way, what was going on? Did God finally heard her prayer? Instinctively, she snatched her jacket and ran downstairs, heading towards the door. She ran to the place where it had landed.

In a place like this, no one would have heard or known that a spacecraft landed here. She lived in a deserted village, afterall. Her closest neighbor would be miles away. The real question is, why did it land here?

As Nene got closer to the gigantic space vehicle, towering at hundreds of meters, she noticed something moved in the corner of her eye. She turned her head to see a short man in a space suit. He was shuffling his way towards Nene. Although she was disappointed, she did felt horrified, seeing the man in dragging his feet.

"Hey--give me a hand here," the man coughed up his words.

"Oh, dear. You know, my house is right there," Nene looked around to search for something to help her carry the astronaut to her place. He seemed badly injured, since his suit got ripped and had several scratches. There might be more wounds underneath that suit.

"Don't bother. Miss, I hope you don't take strangers into your house," he coughed, "but would you kindly bring me a first-aid kit, instead?"

"I'll be right back," Nene gestured.

She ran as fast as her heavy ankles could get her to. She came back to see the man sitting on the ground, helmet off, revealing his face. Jeez, so handsome. Nene kneeled beside the man and placed the large first-aid kit, picking up tools and medicines bottles out of it.

"Uhm....," she started sweating.

"Miss, do you...even know how to use these?" he tried to hold back his laughter.

"Of course I do!"

The man laughed. "It's fine, I can do it myself."

He started picking up some silver tools and bottles. Nene watched him heal his wounds intently. He snickered.

"First, you'll need to do this...," he demonstrated while smirking at the sight of Nene's focused face.

"....and done! You know, Miss. You're lucky you don't get wounds often.  But it wouldn't hurt to know how to treat one," he grinned.


"I just saved your life, you know!" Nene pouted.

"These won't kill me. Besides, I treated them myself."

Nene pouted and the man just laughed.

"Ah, right! Mister, are you perhaps an astronaut or something?" Nene asked.

"You saw me land with a spacecraft! What would I be if I wasn't?"

"You must be from NASA, then? Did you just came back from the moon?"

"Hold your questions, Miss. Space travel is really tiring. We just need to make an emergency landing."

"So, you aren't be alone, then? Are your friends still in the spacecraft? We have to help them!" Nene stood, but the man stopped her by the ankles.

"Woah, they're huge!" he said in amazement.

"Hey, get off me! They are not even that big!" she screamed, her face red.

The man laughed.

"You don't have to worry. This is rather a smaller vehicle, so only two astronauts can operate it. Two talented ones."

"What do you mean I 'don't have to worry'? They might be injured just like you!"

"Nah, I only got injured because I fell from my seat. He is fine."

"Well, isn't he going to come out anytime?"

"He's trying to contact the headquarters, I guess."

"So, he didn't bother trying to heal your wounds?"

"Yeah, but, thank god you're here!"

Nene smiled. At that moment, another man walked out and came nearer to the pair on the ground.

"I see you've gotten the help you need. Ah, hello, Miss. We apologized for landing in your territory. We will pay for the damages we've caused, if there's any," the man said.

He was a tall man with brown hair and eyes similiarly colored. He wore a pair of square black glasses and the same suit as the injured man.

"Wait, we'll pay? Akane!" the injured man whined.

"Shut up, you little brat! It's your fault anyway," the tall man, whose name is Akane, scolded him.

"Uhm, are you able to contact your friends? When will they pick you up?" Nene asked.

"Yes, I was able to. However, I couldn't send them our coordinates because the system shut down before I could. It seems our spacecraft is a bit broken. Miss, may I know where this is?" Akane said.

"This is the Kamome Village. It's deserted and I'm only staying for a while."

"Kamome? Haven't heard of that name in a long time," the injured man said.

"You know this place?" Akane asked.

"Pretty much. But, Miss, why are you even here? It's not the best living area."

Akane gave his friend a small punch on his shoulder.


"Don't interfere with other people's business," he sighed.

"If it's alright, may I know your names?" Nene asked.

"Forgive us. I'm Akane Aoi and he's-"

"Hanako. Call me Hanako."

Hanako...? What a feminine name for a man like him. Sure was, these astronauts were buff and masculine.

"I'm Nene Yashiro. How about we go inside my house? It's really late."

"Yashiro, I told you not to bring strangers in your house! We'll stay here." Hanako said.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Yashiro-san, but he's right," Akane said.

"You're talking as if you're dangerous. Are you, though? You are injured and lost astronauts," she giggled.

And that's how Nene has two astronauts fighting over donuts in her house.

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