Part 5

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I woke up around 11am, letting myself sleep in for a bit. I had to head over to Beth's house in 2 hours where we were expected to give back the money we stole from Rio. I didn't really have any plan as to what was going to happen.

I spent another 45 minutes contemplating getting up from bed and then decided that if I didn't get up by now, I would be late for the meetup at Beth's house. I don't the girls would appreciate if I was late to a life or death meeting. I had no other plans for the day, the realtor team was out scoping more clubs, so I got a free day. After escaping death, I planned on visiting all of the girl's kids since I hadn't seen then in quite a bit.

I decided on wearing just some simple black leggings, black tank top, with a Nascar jacket I got a few weeks ago. I paired a silver necklace as well as silver studs for jewelry. I ran a brush through my hair, leaving it open. By the time I got my shoes on, somehow I was running late once again. It's not that I choose to be late and sometimes I try my best to stay on schedule, but it just never works out in my favour.

I grabbed my gun making sure I put it into my crossbody bag which was slung onto my shoulder. It was loaded, but I hoping I wouldn't need to use it. My car had already been pulled up, so leaving the hotel was no problem. I pulled up to Beth's driveway at 1:20pm and that's only because an accident closed off the road I took to her house, so I had to find a different way.

I walked up to the front door, took a breath, and entered the house.  The moment I entered, there were these tiny doll things placed on the  table where Beth, Annie, and Ruby sat at. Walking further into the house, there were 2 thugs looking types standing by the couch while Rio sat on the arm of the couch.

Everyone turned to look at me and then I walked over to where Beth was sitting since Ruby was already sitting beside Annie. I guess they were waiting for me. One of the thugs come over to check the cash while Beth looks over to me.

Beth whispers to me, "Out of all the days you show up late, how could you be late today."

I whispered back saying, "I actually tried today, so I would be a bit more happy that I was only 20 minutes late."

Beth and Annie smiled because they knew how bad my punctuality was. Ruby however was too scared to smile when the guy counting the money looked back at his boss and said that we were short.

I look away from Ruby and look up towards Rio as he begins walking over to our table.

"You're short." He says looking at us.

To my surprise, Annie speaks up by saying, "Actually we're over..." and pulls a box. They didn't tell me about any box, so what the actual hell were they doing. Unless they had 60 grand in that box, it didn't matter what they tried. Annie starts to pull out little dolls while talking about what they are.

"No, no, no, there is no way this is happening right now."  I thought to myself. This wasn't gonna work to work out and they were going to try to kill us. I couldn't stop myself from cringing as Beth held a smug smirk on her face, feeling smart about the doll strategy they came up with.

I put my head down onto the table because I couldn't make myself listen to this. Beth whispered to me, "Don't worry, we got this taken care of."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about," I replied.

"You want me to sell you dolls?" Rio asks, looking around fo confirmation which he got from their silence. I sat back up properly lifting my head off the table. Annie continued speaking with her doll facts, Rio looked over to me and then grabbed the doll and smashed it on top of the table,

"I'm done playing with you guys," Rio says and his thugs start throwing stuff onto the ground. He sits back onto the side of the couch, looking at his phone. Annie was confused, while Ruby explained to her what was happening. They were begging and pleading and it all stopped except for the crying from Ruby, Annie, and Beth once a thug cocked back the gun and pointed it to my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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