Natasha Romanoff/ Scarlet Johansson: Natasha being interrogated

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"Let's start shall we?" I ask and they all nod

[Natasha is tied to a chair and then she gets punched]

dude 1: Это не то, как я хотел, чтобы это произошло/This is not how I wanted this to go

Natasha: Я знаю, как ты хотел, чтобы этот вечер прошел. Поверьте мне. Это лучше/I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better.

 dude 1: На кого ты работаешь? Лермонтов Да?/ Who are you working for? Lermontov, yes?

[Dude 2 tilts Natasha over the edge]

Wanda growls and Natasha hears it but does not think anything of it

dude 1: Думает ли он, что мы должны пройти через него, чтобы перевезти наш груз?/ Does he think we have to go through him to move our cargo?

Natasha: Я думал, генерал Солохоб, это за экспортный бизнес отвечает?/ I thought general solohob is in charge of the export business?

dude 1: Солохоб? Человек с сумками. Фронт. Ваша устаревшая информация выдает вас. Знаменитая Черная вдова. И она оказывается просто еще одним красивым лицом/ Solohob? A bag man. A front. Your outdated information betrays you. The famous Black Widow. And she turns out to be just another pretty face.

Natasha: Ты правда считаешь меня красивой?/ You really think I'm pretty?

[Skip cuz I'm lazy and don't wanna write this shit out. Dude 1 walks over the tools and takes something out and says a whole lot of Russian shit. Dude 3 phone rings]

Dude 3: It's for her

Dude 1: Listen carefully-

Phil: You're at 1-14 silinski Plaza, third floor. We have an F-22 exactly 8 miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make it to the lobby.

[Dude 1 hands Natasha the phone]

Phil: We need you to come in.

Nat: Are you kidding me? I'm working.

Phil: This takes presence

Nat: I'm in the middle of an interogattion and this moron is giving me everything

Dude 1: I don't give...everything

[Natasha looks at him in disbelief]

Nat: Look you can't pull me out of this right now.

Phil: Natasha. Barton's been compromised.

[Natasha pauses for a second]

Nat: Let me put you on hold

[Natasha looks up at dude 1 and he takes the phone. Natasha then kicks him in the leg and he falls down. Dudes 2 and 3 start attacking her and she fights back and breaks the chair in the process.]

[Scene changes to Phil waiting. Then it flicks back to Natasha after a while. She then grabs a chain and ties it around dude 1's ankle and push him into the hole leaving him to hang there. She then picks up the phone and her heels]

"Well, that's it for Natasha. Let's move on to Scarlett Johansson" I say

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