Marley Rose/ Kara Danvers (supergirl pilot)

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"um  Im sorry what do you mean your finna expose us" kara asks "I mean what I said" I said and team supergirl even lena pales and sinks in their chairs

[Krypton is shown] 

"oh my god is that krypton" alex asks "yes it is" I say then it continues

My name is kara zor-el, 24 years ago my planet krypton was was in serious peril. My cousin Kal-el was sent to a planet called Earth for his own safety and protection. You may know his story.

[picture of baby kal-el shows]

The story you don't know that I was sent to protect him

[kal-el's pod launches] 

Your pod coordinates are inter locked with kal-el's, you will to Earth. 

Im not afraid father

The trip is long but you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be with you in your dreams. You'll journey to Earth to look after your baby cousin kal-el. Because of the Earth's yellow sun you'll have great powers on this planet. You'll do extraordinary things.

I won't fail kal-el or you 

"well I lied" kara says "no you didn't" kal responds

[alura kisses kara's head]

I love you kara. 

[kara smiles & krypton shakes]

You must go. Now. 

[kara walks to the pod but turns and runs to hug her mother]


[kara walks to her pod and it closes]

[while kara's pod is leaving, krypton is exploding]

Things didn't exactly go according to my mothers plan.

{krypton explodes sending shockwaves towards kara's pod]

Krypton's destruction sent a shockwave that knocked my pod off course and into the phantom zone. A region in space where time doesn't past. I slept there for 24 years until somehow I go here. When I arrived I was still an 13 year old girl, but in that same time My cousin kal-el had grown up and revealed himself to your world as superman. The most powerful being in the universe.

"im more powerful then you so I lied" kara said "oh shut up" clark says 

My cousin wanted me to have the same safe, human-type childhood he did. So he placed me with my adoptive family, the Danvers. Scientist who once helped him understand his own super abilities.

I know im not your mom, sweetheart but your safe here.

They had a daughter Alex. And despite being on different planets, we both shared one thing, we knew our lives would never be the same again.

My cousin, he didn't need my protection.

[superman flies off]

I didn't have my mission anymore but even though I had all the same powers he did, I decided the best thing I could do was fit in.

"What did I tell you all?" Mr. Schue asks as all the new direction replies "you don't have to fit in to be great" 

After all Earth didn't need another hero.

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