Murphy- wait you are going to try to be friends with the guy that you kept reminding me was the reason I was hung?

Phoneix- you told me to let go of the past Murphy, that's what I'm doing

I started walking away from him, but he followed making me groan in annoyance as I stopped turning to him

Phoneix- we are on a break Murphy that means go away

Murphy- screw your fucking break, okay? we have grounders here that want us dead, we should be with each other not apart.

I looked at him knowing he was right and thought back onto what my father had said, they both were right, and I hated admitting that

Phoneix- okay *said softly*

so that's what we did as we all got ordered to stay put and go to our stations to further instructions I stood by Murphy's side the whole time, he held onto my hand, and I allowed it. *later later in the day* we saw two horses showing up as we stood up 

Bellamy- hold your fire! she's back

they were referring to Clarke. we all watched as she came in leaving the two-horse people outside as she came in hugging her mom. comes to find out she made a truce with those people, but we can't have that unless we give them Finn. everyone was agreeing but a bunch of people. I had walked away from Murphy a while ago as he said he had something to do so I ran over to Clarke in them

Phoneix- are we giving him up?

Raven looked at me already pissed off at these people and not happy with me

Clarke- we need to if we want this truce to happen or they attack

Man- I'm not dying for him! spacewalker burned three months of oxygen from The Ark. he should've been floated a long time ago!

Phoneix- shut the fuck up! I did the same thing you idiot but what happens on the Ark stays on the Ark!

no one listened as the guy tried to grab Finn, but Raven punched him, the major tried to stop her, but she punched her which got her locked up. I walked away as I didn't want to get mixed up with this. it calmed down after a while though and I stood by Finn as he looked at me

Finn- you don't have to pretend to be my friend, you know? I know i fucked up in the past and I wasn't the greatest person since we landed

Phoneix- yeah you were a total douche but so was everyone else

I sighed sitting next to him as I looked ahead of us

Phoneix- but that doesn't mean I want you to die.

he looked at me as I met his gaze 

Finn- why? I let them banish you guys and I didn't even try to help you, I was too worked up in my love drama that I didn't see that you needed me, my own best friend needed me

I looked away facing ahead as I shook my head

Phoneix- we all made mistakes Finn. we all have done things we regret but we can't change them. I'm not holding a grudge over your head for the things you did, I won't ever do that no matter how badly you fucked me over, but you are still my spacewalker, and you always will be. Clarke will figure it out, trust me she always does

he nodded as Murphy came over, I took that as my que to walk away so that's what I did started walking back towards where everyone was when just like earlier Bellamy stopped me

Bellamy- you got a second?

Phoenix- yeah what's up?

Bellamy- we are trying to make sure we have perimeters and guards everywhere to make sure no one gets in so-

Phoneix- you want me to watch one of the "walls"?

Bellamy- *chuckles* actually I want you to stay by Murphy's side. 

I looked at him confused on why he was giving me that 'order', what use can that be

Bellamy- you are the only one that can keep him in line, and I don't want him to go off his rocker again, so can you do that please?

Phoneix- sure, whatever you want.

he nodded with a smile as Clarke walked over, I followed them back to Murphy as i stood by Bellamy

Bellamy- hey. we're reinforcing our defenses. doubles on the perimeter. no one's getting past that wire

Finn- I'll see where they're thin *stands up*

Bellamy- no, you should head inside. B corridor would be easier to defend, if it comes to that

Finn- I'm not gonna hide 

Clarke- right now, we have to think about keeping you safe. I'm going to talk to Lincoln.

Bellamy- come on. Finn

Bellamy and Finn walk off as Clarke starts to, but Murphy gets up and says something to her

Murphy- hey. any orders for me, Princess?

I ignore the nickname he said to her and lean against the mental thing as i sigh not saying anything Clarke stops and turns to him

Clarke- stay away from me

she goes to leave again but stops

Murphy- I was just trying to be helpful

Clarke- you were with him at the village. *looks at me* and so were you

Phoneix- hey leave me out of this, I tried to stop him

Murphy- yeah and so did I *moves towards her a little*

Clarke- not hard enough

she turns and starts walking again but of course Murphy has to have the last word 

Murphy- you know what? you wanna start blaming people, Clarke?

she stops again

Murphy- he was out there looking for you.

she finally walks away as Murphy turns to me seeing my unassumed face

Murphy- don't give me a lecture about this

Phoneix- I don't need to. I would of said the same thing

he smirks at me as I send him a tiny smile, this is not going to end well for most of us. I just hope I'm not one of them.

The Earth We Once Knew - John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now