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Despite being in high school, Tina was still awkward when it came to social situations. She had a monotone voice that made people think she wasn't interested and would often read situations wrong. This is probably why Jimmy Jr. broke up with her at lunch today. He did it in front of Tammy and Jocelyn, so everyone at school probably knows by now.

Tina had excused herself and walked out of the cafeteria and kept going until she was outside. Once she passed the gate Tina started running towards the Wharf. She focused on her lungs pushing the air in and out instead of the fact that she would be known as the awkward girl. She didn't even notice the tears going down her cheeks as she approached the pier.

She ran down the stairs and across the beach until she reached the cool shade the Wharf produced. Tina found a couple smooth rocks to sit on as she caught her breath. Only then did she begin to fully cry into the knees of her jeans.

Her fashion choices hadn't evolved much from her pre teen years. Her hair had grown longer and had a slight curl to it. She traded her yellow barrette for a yellow scrunchie and kept her hair in a ponytail. After growing another 5 inches Tina decidedly gave up her skirt phase. She still wore a blue t shirt but switched to a pair of worn jeans for comfort. Tina had the same frames for her glasses but a stronger, thicker perscription.

Tina sat there and sobbed at the unfairness of the world and society's standards. She began to question her personality and body, wondering what made her so awkward Jimmy Jr. didn't want her anymore. Was it her writing? Or maybe her style was the problem? What about Tina made her so damn awkward?

Tina sat there pondering the many different aspects of her personality. She must've sat there long enough that school had let out, since she could hear the sounds of teens and kids crowding the Wonder Wharf above her.
Tina began to wonder if Jimmy Jr. was one of the voices she could just barely hear.

She took off her glasses and rubbed them on her shirt. They had fogged up from her tears. As she put them back on, Tina sighed. Why was she thinking about the great assed dancer when he was probably getting blown by some slut? She needed to move on and forget about Jimmy Jr but it wasn't as easy as she hoped.


Tina turned to see Zeke striding over to her spot under the Wharf. He was alone so she made no move to run or avoid him. Instead she chose to wrap her arms around her legs and stare at the tide.

"I was wondering where you went off to" His southern drawl seemed to relax her. "You ok? Tammy told everyone what happened at lunch."

Tina let out one of her distressed groans and rested her forehead against her knee. She had expected the blonde to blab her private conversation but it still bugged her to hear it. Tina really need to reassess her friendship with the bully.

Zeke had taken a seat on the rock next to her. Tina turned and looked at the boy who decided to bother her. He smelled of tater tots and cigarettes, a bad habit he picked up in middle school. He wore a Metallica T shirt under his varsity wrestling jacket and cargo shorts allowing Tina to see his figure better. He was decidedly more muscle than fat since he had started working out in between wrestling seasons. He had the same mullet but it suited him.

Tina lifted her head and sighed before making eye contact with the boy she used to resent for taking her crush's attention. Now she realizes that Jimmy Jr. just didn't want to pay attention to her.

"What do want Zeke? You come to make fun of me too?" Tina didn't mean for it to come out harsh but she just couldn't handle someone else tearing her down.

"God no! I just- well I couldn't stand for J-Ju saying all that stuff about chu. I kinda yelled at him and took off." Tina was back by his bashful words. If she wasn't too surprised by it she would have noticed the flush on Zeke's face. "I usually come here whenever I need to clear my head or just to be alone. I didn't know you were here. Honest."

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