
Start from the beginning

"Me, don't you remember Armaan Oberio? Don't you remember the times we have spent together?" Nandini said in a high-pitched voice. She was feeling very smart at the moment. Armaan lied back in his chair, throwing his file on the table. "I have spent time with many women, which one are you?" A gasp left Nandini's lips at his words. How dare he just say that!?

After those words left his lips, Nandini didn't waste another second and lifted her veil angrily. Her anger was clear on her face, her nose all red. Armaan didn't seem to be even a bit fazed as he had known from the moment he had looked at the women, that it was Nandini. He could find her in a huge crowd of women with all veils. It was nothing when she was alone.

A smirk rested on Armaan's lips, knowing his plan worked on having Nandini reveal her noorani face. He knew this would make her riled up, but little did he know that the anger would only come back at him.

Nandini marched towards Armaan, her anger not leaving her face. Pushing the lunchbox onto Armaan's desk, Nandini went towards his side, his chair spinning towards her direction the entire time. "You did not just say that!" Nandini angrily looked down at Armaan. Armaan's smirk only widened seeing his wife so angry. She looked so cute while she was mad.

"Well, I just did." Nandini blew her cheeks up. "You..tell me right now how many women you've been with since our marriage. And don't lie!" Nandini said with a stern look on her face. Armaan acted as if he was counting, trying to think of all the women. Another gasp left her lips. Nandini smacked his chest, causing him to burst into laughter. "Armaan!"

"I'm..sorry. You're just so...god. You're so cute Nandini." Armaan couldn't stop laughing, causing her cheeks to blow up even more. But seeing Armaan laughing after days and seeing the stress off his face, made Nandini's lips twitch up a bit. "I know I am. But you tell me, which girls were you talking about?"

Nandini hit his chest again, but Armaan immediately caught it in his hand and got up from his chair. He towered Nandini but leaned towards her. "I was joking Nandini." Armaan held Nandini's hands in his. Nandini looked away, trying to show she was still angry. "Now don't tell me you're angry with me." Armaan groaned.

"Come on Nandini. I was kidding. You have come to meet me and now are mad with me." Nandini still didn't look his way, a pout on her lips. "Nandini." Armaan said more softly. "Sorry." Hearing his soft voice, Nandini was having a tough time not looking at him. "Sorry my cute wife." Nandini bit back her smile but when Armaan kept saying sorry to her like a child, it managed to make its way to her face.

A smile landed on Armaan's lips when he saw her's. Nandini finally looked up at him. "Fine. But you can't do any work as long as I am here." "As you wish." Armaan bowed down.

Pushing Armaan to the side, Nandini plopped down on his big chair. Armaan looked at her in amusement. Spinning around, Nandini giggled. "This chair is so comfortable, how do you not just fall asleep in it?" Nandini asked, still spinning. "Because I have work to do. And now stop spinning or else you'll become all dizzy." Armaan grabbed the armrests, stopping her and making her face his way.

Nandini pushed his arms away, saying, "Excuse me, you have no right to stop me. I'm the boss currently." Armaan shook his head at her antics. "Sorry, I forgot that I may be the boss of this company but you're the boss of me." Nandini nodded, approving his words. "Yup. And as your boss, you have to listen to me."

Armaan crossed his arms against his chest, leaning against the desk, his eyes on Nandini. "I know, you're a way better boss and businessman than me. Don't brag." Armaan raised his eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips, surprised by the sudden compliment. Seeing the look he was giving her, Nandini rolled her eyes. "There goes that big ego of yours, rising by the minute." Nandini sighed. "I can assure you love, my ego isn't the only thing that's rising." At first Nandini didn't seem to understand his words but when she saw his smirk growing, she immediately knew what he meant.

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