My first day

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As I got home I sent Jason a text so he knew I got back ok which was nice of him.

"Hi Jason it's Millie I got back safely, will see you Sunday :)" I texted him.

"Hi Millie glad u got back ok. I will save ur number now, see u Sunday love. X" he texted back. I blushed red at the love part, and oddly he put a kiss. I just shrugged it off to him just being friendly.

I rang the girls in a FaceTime call so I could tell them altogether (saved repeating myself)

"Can't believe they argued over you moving there.. they do have issues clearly if they can't trust another woman in the house who's just doing a job of cleaning their house nothing wrong with that!" Abbie said. They all nod in agreement.

"Did you say she had red eyes?" Poppy asked.

"Yup I think she was crying that's my opinion anyway" I said back to them.

"Well keep us updated with it all Millie, I really can't believe you gotta move though!" Jessie said. I felt sad leaving them especially moving away from my family too. It wasn't going to be easy!

"I know girls I'm gonna miss you so much!" I said trying not to get emotional.

"Well we will have to give you the best sending off ever, so get off this call so we can plan it!" Abbie said.

"Oh guys you don't have to!" I insisted.

"Shut up Millie we are not going to just say goodbye and that's it, we want to show you how much you mean to us and you deserve a proper goodbye now go!" Poppy demanded. I roll my eyes.

After we said our goodbyes I got off the phone and went to put my dinner on. Then suddenly my phone rang, it was Jason! Odd.

"Hello" I said as I answered the phone.

"Oh hi Millie sorry to ring you randomly I just wanted to let you know when you arrive Sunday we have to do some paperwork ok? And we will go through what benefits you will get being a cleaner. Also I'll give you a rough idea of what you'll clean in the house and everything.." he explains.

"Is that alright?" He asks.

"Yes that's fine thank you for letting me know!" I say politely back to him.

"Brilliant Millie, have a good evening and see you Sunday. I will call you Sunday morning to put some money in the bank for your train care ok?" He asks me.

"Oh you don't have to!" I insisted.

"No I will because it's not cheap I want to help please let me" he begged.

"Okay if you are sure thank you so much I appreciate it!" I said gratefully.

"No worries Millie, have a wonderful evening love, bye!" He says sounding cheerful.

"Goodbye Jason!" I replied then the call ended. I was a bit puzzled why he rang it wasn't important he could of waited until Sunday to call & tell me that. I then carried on with my dinner and then got myself an early night.

I spent most of the weekend packing what was essential for me to take for a couple of weeks, I was so excited but also nervous about staying there and I knew it wasn't the last I'll hear of Jason and his wife arguing. 

On Sunday morning I was up bright and early going over my list of what I was taking with me making sure it was all there. Just after 9am my phone rang and this time I was expecting the call which is why I had it with me in my jacket pocket.

"Hello Millie" Jason says sounding cheerful.

"Hello Jason, I am packed ready to go!" I said confidently.

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