” Hello is anyone there?” I asked and then I saw five boys come out of the door right in front of me.

” If you’re here for an autograph you have to wait until after the interview” the boy with brown curls and a british accent said rude.

” Why would I want to have your autograph?” I said confused cause I have never seen thoes five boys before.

” Um eh I thought you were a fan sorry” He said looking really embarrassed

” No I’m looking for my boyfriend and his brothers, I heard you guys singing and I thought it was them” I said

” What’s their names we might know were they’re” the boy with blonde hair and a irish accent or I think it was Irish said.

” Nick, Kevin and Joe Jonas” I said

” Yeah, they’re doing their interview before us, but I don’t know where they are but I would guess they are in the dressing room getting ready” the boy with shaved head and also a british accent said. Interview! did he want me to come and look when they did their interview are you kidding me!

” Thanks um sorry I didn’t catch your name” I said

” Liam and this is Niall, Zayn, Louis and Harry” He said

” I’m Elena and sorry for buttering you guys” I said

” Don’t worry and sorry for being so rude before” Harry said or I think his name was Harry.

” It’s okay who are you guys anyway, I guess you must be famous because you thought I wanted your autograph” I said feeling stupid because I had a feeling that I should know who they are.

” We’re One direction, you really don’t know who we’re?” Louis said

” Nope” I said and Louis joked around pretending he was going to faint. I guess he’s the funny guy in the band like Joe.

” I don’t think I have met a girl that doesn’t know who we are” The boy with black hair I think his name was Zayn

” Not to be mean or anything but I don’t listen so much on boy bands” I said

” But you’re together with a guy from a boyband” Niall said and they all started to laugh and I have to emit that it’s sounded really weird.

” Yeah what was I thinking” I joked

Bezz Bezz I took up my phone from my pocket and it was a message from Sarah

From Sarah:

We found them they are in the dressing room hurry up they are about to go on!

To Sarah:

I’m coming right away! :)

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up at the guys.

” Sorry but I kind of need a favor from you guys” I said

” It depends on what it’s?” Niall said

” Can someone show me to the dressing room? I asked

” Yeah sure I’ll show you” Niall said and we walked out of the room and down the hall.

” Were you’re from, because you don’t have an american or british accent” Niall asked

” I’m from Sweden” I said

” And you have never heard of One direction!?” Niall said looking chocked

” No not what I can remember, and I’m starting to feel bad about it” I said

” No don’t, you know who we’re now” Niall said and I nodded

” Here it’s I have to go back now but I hope we’ll see each other again sometime” He said and kissed me on the cheek I guess that’s how you say goodbye in Ireland.

” Yeah that would be nice bye Niall”

” Bye Elena”

I stepped into the dressing room and the boys were ready to go on so I wished them good luck and then we followed a guy who showed us where to sit.

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”Now let’s welcome our next guests the Jonas brothers” The interviewer said and the  audience started to cheer when we entered the stage. We all gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before we sat down on the sofa. 

” So guys how does it feel to be back working together after the little break you guys decided to take?”

” It feels really good being back in the studio together, so many good memories comes back” Kevin said

” And we also want to thank our incredible fans that didn’t give up their hope on a Jonas brothers reunion, we love you all so much!” Joe said and Kevin and I agreed.

” Yeah speaking of love” the interviewer said ” what’s going on in your love life right now, who’s single and who’s in a relationship and who’s married?”

” I’m happily married” Kevin said like we didn’t know that already

” I’m single” Joe said

” And what about you Nick, we actually have a picture here that we would love you to explain” The interviewer said and a picture of me and Elena sitting on that bench from that day we went to the carnival showed up on the screen. I looked up to see Elena sitting in the audience looking at the picture. Now I have my chance to do what Elena wanted me to do.

” Yeah that’s my new girlfriend and her name is Elena” I said

” Well congratulations to you two I hope everything will work out for you!” The interviewer said and the audience started to clap their hands and cheer.

After 10 minutes the interview was over and we left the stage when I was on my way back to the dressing room someone called my name.

” Nick wait can I talk to you for a moment” Elena said

” Sure” I said and walked towards her

” Thank you” she said and kissed me softly on the lips

” Sorry for not telling anyone till now” I said when our lips pulled away from each other.

” Well not to be mean or anything but you’re not a bright kid, when it took you so long to figure out what I wanted you to do” She teased

” Yeah well I guess I have to blame the home schooling for that” I said and she started to laugh, oh what I have missed that laugh.

” There’s just one more thing I need to do” I said and she stopped laughing and looked at me.

” What?” She said

” This” I said and kissed her lips.  

The summer that changed my life (Nick Jonas fan fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat