Part Three

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"You want me to do what?!"

"Look, look, I know it's a bit of a big ask," it really wasn't. "But Kira, come on, I need your help. Please, you know for a fact canidae have the best noses around so please just do this one favor."

"Okay, I get you want my help, but I really don't want to get in between your's and Tal's business. It's not my place and you know it's wrong."

"Yes, I know that it may make you uncomfortable, but your not even getting in between us. All I need you to do is to track his scent and find him."

"Ugh, but why me?"

"Cause I trust you. Come on, do it for your bestie." I stared her down with the softest puppies I could. "Pleaseeeeeeeee-"

"Okay, okay, fine, I'll help you track him but the second I find where he is I'm leaving, got it?"

"Yup, one-hundred percent, got it." I gave her big on the leg. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Okay, okay, get off my leg." She forcefully shook me off. "Now, run me through the plan again."

"So, I've taken some samples of Tal's saliva, blood, and sweat,"

"Ew, why the hell would you do that?"

"Shut up, let me finished!" I barked. "Your gonna smell that stuff and then track him down, simple."

"Okay, but what if he's too far away?"

"So what? Why does it matter?"

"Because if he's too far I'm not going to be able to track him."


"Well, to be fair, he has to be far far away. Like, two miles at least."

"Hmm, well, let's just hope that's not that case."

"Okay, but what are you even going to do when you find him?"

"Well..." Not gonna lie, that was a good question. "I'll figure out when I get there."

"Oh come on, you know that's not a good plan."

"Yeah, but what other choice do I have? I can't keep letting myself get stressed over shit I don't know. Whether good or bad, I want answers."

"Hmm, well if your so gung ho about stalking your boyfriend, then I guess I'll help you." She paused for a moment. "Creep,"

I pouted knowing she was right. It was icky of me to be doing this, but I wasn't going to let negative emotion hold me back. The time to make a decision was right there and then.

. . .

It was about five thirty when me and Kira met at the front gates of the school. She was reluctant at first, because duh, but she agreed to take a sniff of the Tal samples I gave her(don't ask), and led the way.

"Can you smell if he close or not?"

She sniffed the air before answering me. "It's faint, but it's enough."

Her nose continued to search for something I couldn't see until it gave her one clear path. Suddenly, she ran towards it.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Damn, she was fast, only letting me catch up with the few moments she took to study her surroundings. I knew I couldn't keep pace, but I didn't really have a choice. This was just part of our deal.

We had ran nearly three fourths of a mile and I was absolutely shitfaced.

"Please," I gasped out between breathes. "Stop- please- for the love of god."

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