Chapter 16. Loose ends.

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Master tasked us with a mission. Bring 4 fools to him, and kill the fifth one. Easy enough...

I'm in a bullhead, along with my team and Raven flying towards the last known location of our targets. Ying was playing with Glake, grabbing her little hands and moving them at the sound of a song she was singing. Glake smiled and purred in content. Redz was sitting next to me, eating some cookies I made. She was excited to fight.

Also, we got a new member on our little group. Geo. She was sitting infront of me, looking bored. Lastly, Raven was with the two pilots, staring at the distance.

Wiz:"So, what can you do, newbie?"

A blade came from her shoulder. It passed next to my cheek, scratching me a bit, piercing the bullhead's armor.

She opened her hand, making a phrase with black goo.

Geo:"Is that enough for you?"

Wiz:"Cheeky little shit, remember I'm your leader here, attack me one more time and I will tear your limbs. One. By. One."

Raven:"Shut up, girls, we're almost there. Glake, mask on, scout the place."

Glake nodded, standing up, putting her crow mask on. She jumped out out of the bullhead and transformed into a shadow, moving through the forest really quickly.

Raven:"Geo, two of your clones in patrol duty, make sure no one comes out of this forest."

I looked out of the bullhead to see where were indeed in a snowy forest, next to Atlas.

I'm in... home... again? What is this feeling?

Geo made some crystal clones and ordered them to surround the forest, preventing anyone for either entering it or exiting it.

Raven:"Redz, your rifle, be our eyes in the sky. The rest, with me, we'll start looking for them."

Ying, Geo and I stood up, standing next to Raven, who ordered the pilots to patrol the area. Redz crouched down and used her sniper to scout the forest, looking for something unusual.

As soon as Raven jumped, we all followed her, landing on the ground with no problems.

Raven:"Okay, Ying, Wiz to the right. Geo and I will explore the left. Be careful."

We nodded, moving on the left section of the forest. I was calmed, not only we were a lot, we could summon reinforcements at will. Also, with out new suits, we're even more powerful. This will be easy.


Ying:"Hey, all good? You look troubled."

Wiz:"This place... brings me memories of the original. I... would've liked to have her life."



I looked at my hands, not knowing what it was that I wanted.

Wiz:"She could experience happiness. I... only experienced war since I was created by master. I do not envy her at all, I love what I have, but..."

Ying:"You're curious to know how it would feel to be them, right?"

Wiz:"Exactly! We're constantly fighting while they have fun! It's like... master only created us for that purpose only..."

Ying:"Well, if you want master to show you a little bit more of love, why don't you tell him about it?"

Wiz:"H-Huh?! N-No, that's not what I-"

I widened my eyes. It smells like... blood?

Wiz:"Girls, report."

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