🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 7 "CRYSTAL Company Outing Day" #2

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[They didn't think that through]

Hayoon: Then what shall I do?

[Anyway... From now on, she's not allowed to speak to the members. They're the type to stick by the rules]
[Let's see... Full of ingredients. Telepathy on communication Error]

Pd: Do you think Nari got the telepathy?

Jihye: I'm not sure... Aah, I'm curious now.

[Meanwhile Nari... Telepathy gets thrown out the window. Connecting with the staff members instead]
[What did you guys choose? I sensed it. I've got this!]

Nari: I take this!

(Nari choose noodles)

Nari: We are allowed to put the seasoning powder right? Okay... well even if we don't end up making it. If we have this and this... We can't fail too much in eating.

(Lastly the new Intern Jihye)

Jihye: Are we going to cook Tteok-bokki? I should pick the spice right?

(Help me! All giving the approval eyes contact)
[What wil Jihye choose?]

Jihye: Aah, I'm not sure but I choose spice. Wah, fish cake? What should I choose? I love fish cake

(Telepathy on with her members. Not really success)

Jihye: Or noodles? Noodles! Aah, I don't know.

(Mental breakdown)

Jihye: I take this.

[What will Jihye choose? Revealing the results. We'll take out what you guys didn't choose]

Nari: I'm sure someone chose the sauce...

[Nervous. The first ingredient taken out of the list is... Side ingredients]

Hayoon: I thought Jihye would've chosen that one!

Miyoung: It's okay, it's okay.


Miyoung: Hold up, there's more to take out? Did we choose the same one?

[From now... Ingredients chosen more than once will be out]

Jihye: Is there anything else we chose more than once?

[No way... Congrats! They earned 4 ingredients. Jihye's pick was the spice]

Jihye: I chose the spice.

[Results for round 1, earned noodles, fish cake, rice cakes, spice. 1st round wasn't bad at all]

Nari: This isn't bad at all. We can do so much with just the noodles.

Pd: Who wants to go first for the next menu?

Jihye: How about we try doing it the other way this time? I want to see what it's like to know what everyone chooses

[Jihye goes first this time. Jihye can't believe what she sees. Long time no see guys. BBQ full set feat. Hanwoo]
[Ssam/Hanwoo/side dish/Seafood/Kimchi and sauce/rice/vegetables]

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