"Ug fine I am up happy now."

Officer Jones:
"Oh very."

"Anyways why are you here didn't you just left and did anyone come here for me,"

Officer Jones:
"No one come for you yet and I am here because I have someone here with me."

"Oh yay let me see who it is Tanner."

Officer Tanner:
"El Lee."

Officer Jones:
"So you two know each other."

Officer Tanner:
"Yep we do so what did you do this time El Lee."

"Not telling you Tanner but I am surprised that you did not get me this time."

Officer Tanner:
"Yeah yeah it is so good seeing you in their."

"Aww thanks I love to see your face more."

Officer Tanner:
"And I love to seeing your too."

"So did you try to out anyone in an mental hospital again idiot."

Officer Tanner:
"Oh you really want to go there."

"Oh trust me I think that I do."

Officer Tanner:
"Ok that is it I am coming in hands where I can see them."

Officer Jones point of view

"Oh come on Tanner how are you still mad about that it was only one time."

Officer Tanner:
"Yeah that one time that you ruined everything that I had hands on the wall i."

Officer Jones:
"Hey you need to stop that."

Officer Tanner:
"And why would I stop that she could be in a mental hospital."

"Aww it was only one and when you put an application for me then did not accept you do you remember that bug guy."

Officer Tanner:
"Oh that is it."

Officer Jones:
"No it is not come on."

Officer Tanner:

Officer Jones:
"No buts now come on." We walk back to the office. "Why did I have to you for."

Officer Tanner:
"Why did you think she should not be here."

Officer Jones:
"Yes I know that but you should have not been doing that anyways you know if I chief you do that again then I am telling the chief got it."

Officer Tanner:

Officer Jones:
"Good now get out."

Lady at the police desk:
"Officer Jones someone is here to bail El Lee."

Officer Jones:
"Ok I am on my way thank you."

Officer Tanner:
"Oh please let me come with you to see who is b her out I feel like I know who."

Officer Jones:
"No you are not go back to work."

Officer Tanner:
"Ug fine."

Officer James:
I walk to the front desk. "Hello are you here to bail El Lee out?"

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