Chapter 6

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It had been a few days since Dominion saw the true side to Kotler, and quite frankly, she didn't like it at all. To her, Kotler was the first person who treated her like a friend, not someone who works for them, or someone they have to work either, but a friend. Rolf was the second. Dominion hadn't seen much of him around lately. It was like whilst she was trying to avoid Kotler, Rolf was trying to avoid her.

Dominion was walking down the stairs with the laundry basket under her arm. As she was about to turn to go down the second set of stairs, a soilder came running up them, almost straight into her. Luckily, he looked up before he hit her- it was Kotler.

"Sorry, Dominion," he muttered, stepping to the side to let her past.

"It's alright, Kurt." she thought for a moment, "Why the rush?"

"Lieutenant Braun was supposed to give Herr Knommandant some documents, but he forgot them."

"Ah, I see," Dominion nodded.

An awkward silence filled the air.

"I better get back to the laundry, it won't wash itself," she laughed awkwardly.

"Of course, I'll see you later, Dominion," Kurt said as he walked up the stairs.

"See you later."


The rest of her day was the same as every other- cleaning.

Dominion knew it was what she was paid to do, but she wanted something different for once. She wanted a chance to go and take a walk with someone, explore the woods surrounding the house. And (although she shouldn't) she really wanted to see what was in the back garden. She had heard Elsa tell Bruno that it was "out of bounds, no exceptions." What was out there that was so bad? Dominion was dying to open the patio doors and explore it, but she knew she would get caught, and most likely fired for going against Elsa's word.

Dominion had finished her work, only needing to take the laundry up to people's rooms. When she had finished that, she walked up to the spare room to put the basket away. To her surprise, she heard a voice, it was unclear what they were saying, but it was a voice. Then, silence. Cautiously, she pushed open the door, dropping the basket in surprise.

Kotler and Rolf, kissing.

Both of them turned to her, eyes as wide as saucers. Kotler marched forward and pulled her unto the room, locking the door.

"Oh my God," she whispered. 

"I know " Rolf whispered, crouching down to her.

"Oh my God. You," she pointed at Rolf, "and you," she pointed at Kotler. "You're together?"

"Yes," Kotler hissed. 

"You could be killed for it. I mean, homosexuality is banned, the Führer says homosexuals are some of the people ruining Germany. The SS are supposed to be perfect Germans-"

"We know," Rolf cut her off. "Dominion, I am begging you, as a friend, please don't tell anyone."

"We could be killed for this," Kotler added. Roll nodded in agreement.

"Please, can we trust you?"

"Yes, of course." Dominion said, still processing what happened. "I won't tell, I swear."

Both sighed in relief.

"However," their heads snapped up," you two need to be more careful. It's fine for me, but what if one of the other maids found you, or one of the family members. It's too dangerous for you to be doing that in this house."

They nodded.

"Thank you, Dominion," Rolf pecked her cheek.

"Thank you," Kotler gave her a short hug.

"Now please, get out, I have things to sort in here."

They both laughed, walking out of the door, leaving Dominion alone to process what happened in the dark spare room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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