Chapter 2

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Dominion's heart was hammering in her chest the entire journey, like it was trying to escape from her chest. As excited as she as for the interview, she was also extremely nervous. The had been on the train from Munich to Berlin for almost 2 hours, more than enough time for Mrs Schmidt to lecture her on what to say and do when they get there- neither of them had every met an SS officer before, but, in 1942, they had all heard of some of the things they had done in the streets of Germany. Kristallnacht being a prime example. Dominion didn't understand how they could treat one group of people so badly, in her eyes, people were people, regardless of race, religion, or gender.

As the train pulled in at the station, both women grabbed their purses and left the train. Mrs Schmidt called a cab over and gave him the address, they both climbed in. The cab ride was silent Dominion was too nervous to speak and Mrs Schmidt had already said everything she could to comfort her, so gave her a small hand squeeze and a sympathetic smile. Dominion gave her a very shaky one in return. The cab stopped, and both women climbed out, Mrs Schmidt payed and both started for the steps leading up the huge house before them. Dominion reached for the knocker and gave it 3 sharp taps. Through the glass, she saw someone running over to the door.

"Hello, can I help you?" a young maid asked, she had pale skin and dark hair, no more than 25 years old.

"I'm Dominion Robert, I'm here for the maid interview," Dominion said shakily.

"Oh, of course. Please come in, I will let the commandant know you are here." With that, the maid walked away, leaving then standing in the glorious lounge, a chandelier hung from the ceiling, a tall brown staircase emerged from the floor and was climbing through the house. Before Dominion could take in anymore, the maid reappeared.

"Herr Knommandant is ready, if you would please follow me."


Dominion sat in an extremely uncomfortable chair across from the Knommandant, in a plain, grey room with brown furniture.

"Now then, the only question left," the Knommandant began," is why you want the job?"

"Well, I have been in the orphanage for my entire life, and although I love it, I do want to make my own path in life, and I think that this could be a great opportunity to do so."

He nodded, thought for a second smiled. "When can you start?"


After packing her things from the orphanage and wishing everyone a teary- eyed farewell, Dominion was on the train back to Berlin, the family were leaving for Poland the next morning, she would be travelling with the servants.

When she arrived at the house, the Kommandant's wife, Elsa, showed her to her room for the night and gave her the maid uniform she was to wear. As it was already late, Dominion decided to get straight to sleep, she did have an early start the next morning.

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