Chapter 1

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   It was the early hours of the morning, the sun edged its way through the curtains of Dominion's room, the brightness waking her up. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up, looking around her small room in the orphanage. Dominion had been living there for as long as she could remember, it wasn't an awful place like in the stories, more like a large family. The elderly couple that ran the orphanage (Mr and Mrs Schmidt) treated every child as if they were their own. Including Dominion, there were 11 children in the orphanage, 6 girls and 5 boys: the girls were called Eva, Anna, Marie, Monika,  and Hanna, then Dominion; the boys were Hans, Henrik, Leon, Otto, and Paul. Dominion was the oldest child of all, and although she loved spending time there, she dreamed of getting away and living her own life, that was why she was (with the help of Mrs Schmidt) applying for a job as a live-in maid. She hoped someone would answer it soon...

"Morning, Dominion," Mrs Schmidt said as Dominion entered the dining room. The other children echoing her.

"Morning everyone," she smiled, taking her seat at the table. "Did anyone send any job offers?" Dominion asked before eating a mouthful of toast.

"As a matter of fact, yes..."

Dominion choked on her toast, "R-really?"she stuttered.

"Yes,  here," she handed her a letter.

"Read out loud dear," Mr Schmidt grinned.

With shaking hands, Dominion opened the envelope.

"Dear Miss Dominion, I am Commandant Ralf Höss,  an officer in the Schutzstaffel. I have recently seen your advertisement and my family and I would be more than happy to take you on as a maid in our new home. You would be working for myself, my wife, and our two children, alongside other maids and servants. If you are interested please call the number on the bottom  of the letter to make arrangements for an interview. 

Your sincerely, Commandant Ralf Höss."

As soon as Dominion had finished  everyone cheered, rushing over to hug her.

"Will you take it?" Mrs Schmidt asked.

"I'll see what they're like," Dominion replied.

"I'll call them right now and are arrangements," Mrs Schmidt took the letter and rushed out of the room. Everyone else kept chatting about the news- Dominion could be leaving.

After a few minutes, Mrs Schmidt entered the room, smiling widely. "Dominion, you and I are going to Berlin!"

"When?" Dominion squealed.

"Tomorrow, for the interview, we leave at 11 am sharp."

Dominion hugged Mrs Schmidt tightly, thanking her over and over again. The old woman hugged her back, holding back tears as she stroked the girl's long, black hair. Unknown to either of them, that one trip would change Dominion's life forever...

*That was the first chapter done! This story was requested by @kittycat234678 please let me know what you think of the story so far and I will try to get the next chapter posted ASAP. Thanks for reading :)*

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