"No, the police will end up ruining all of this investigation. They will go up to Mr. Holiday for questioning and scare him off, he has Vicky with him I'm not about to let him out of my sight." Alex replied.
Max nodded in agreement with and finally left Alex to his thoughts. So many things ran through Alex's head as he sat there trying to calm his anger. Hue was going to pay for this, but how could he go out and search for the bastard now that he was being followed.

Suddenly he felt uneasy sitting in his chair thinking maybe all of his employees were looking at him like some kind of murderer.


Jenny rushed towards Grace's front door and with the light knock to the door she waited patiently for her to answer. Grace greeted her with a warm smile and allowed her to step inside. There was something about Jenny that made Grace feel comfortable and at ease. Just by looking into her light brown eyes she could tell that Jenny was just as lonely as she was.

She didn't talk very much but when she did it always intrigued Grace. She was well mannered and kind. Both women made their way past the entry hall towards the right where the descent size living room greeted them with two large comfortable leathered brown couches and at the center a round glass coffee table. The hardwood floor was as a dark chocolate with a beautiful Italian rug underneath.

Grace led Jenny towards the garden window were they both took a seat. She was desperate to talk to someone and deep down she hadn't hesitated to ask Jenny for help.

"You will not believe what happened at work." Jenny said while slipping out of her gray sweater. She was still dressed in her black and pink uniform which indicated that she had come straight from work.

"What is it?" Grace asked taking a seat next to her.

"Okay, so you know the news we were talking about earlier this morning? Well it turns out a dozen news reporters bombarded the bakery today. There was this lunatic screaming at the journalist and reporters to leave the premises. I'm assuming he was something of Alex's, the guy has stopped by the shop before. Anyways, Alexander looked panicked as he hid his face from the cameras trying to make it to his car." Jenny replied.

Grace sat there looking down to her hands trying to suppress just how sorry she felt for him. Thinking about just how awful Alex was feeling made her stomach turn.

"Grace, are you okay?" Jenny asked placing a hand over her shoulder.

"I'm fine...it's just that, Alex came to see me a three days ago." Grace confessed.

"What did he want?"

Jenny tried to get comfortable, eager to hear what Grace was about to reveal. She rested her elbow against the window and placed her chin over her knuckles.

"Can I trust you, I mean I know we haven't really hung out, but I need someone to talk to and my parents are out of the question." She whispered.

"Grace, I'm here for you, and yes, you can trust me with anything." Jenny reassured.

Grace looked at Jenny and smiled feeling relieved and confessed to Jenny everything that had happened the day she had called in to quit. She was glad that Jenny was attentive and listened to her every word, never not once interrupting her. It was then when she finished speaking that Jenny opened her mouth to give her opinion about the whole deal.

"Okay Grace, this is my opinion on this, actually I have two. One, Alex is probably who the media is saying, a murderer. Or two, who knows he might be trying to figure out what really happen to his fiancée." She shrugged.

"The second one sounds highly doubtful Jenny, but it's the first one that seems to fit the glove." Grace muttered.

"Well why don't we do some digging around, we might find something."

"The worst part of it all Jenny is that...I feel...I think I'm in love with him," she sighed covering her face.

"Grace I really don't think Alex would kill Vicky." Jenny said.

"I wish I could believe that, but then why would he be interested in me Jenny?"

"I know this sounds crazy, but in a way you could probably help him heal. I bet when he saw you some hope must have bloomed inside of him. Second chances and all." She replied.

"Then help me clear his name, I know this sounds insane and it will be like walking over my dad but I-I love him. I can't explain it, and somehow when I am around him I feel...safe."

"Then let's get to it, but this is going to require that we spy on him a little, are you sure about that?" Jenny asked.

"I'm certain," she replied.

"Let go." Jenny insisted.

"Wait, like right know...I'm babysitting Lacy," she muttered.

"Well take her with us."

"Jenny, I don't feel comfortable taking my three year old little sister to spy on people. My parents will be home any minuet now and then we can head out."

Jenny agreed and slumped back unto the couch trying to play patient. As soon as her parents arrived Grace was rushed out the door with only a kiss to plant on both her parents before hopping into the car with Jenny.

"So, I have a question and hopefully it doesn't make you feel weird," Jenny began as they pulled away.

"So long as it's not personal," Grace replied.

"Are you afraid to get into a vehicle once in a while?"

"I was at first, but I guess three years is a long time to get over your fear of getting into a car. I took me only a few months to get over it; it was mainly because I couldn't remember anything so that helped me get over it."

"So you remember nothing at all?"

"I remember crying, but over what I don't know, all I know was that the pain of it was heart breaking," Grace replied.

"Sounds terrible, anything else that suddenly comes to mind, dreams, sudden flash backs?"

"I have the same dream, I had told you about."

"The envelope, right, I remember that," Jenny replied.

"I hold it in my hand, walk over to a safe and press the code to keep it safe." She whispered.

"A code, can you remember it?"


"So what is it?

"Twenty seven, thirty two, and fifteen," Grace replied.

"Wow, imagine if that safe had money in it!"

"I don't think it does, in my dream the safe is empty, and the only thing it contains is the envelope."

"Maybe your dad has a study and keeps a safe in there, try to snoop around next time you are alone at home."

Grace simply nodded and looked ahead trying to figure out just exactly where Jenny was taking her. Finally they parked the car, and Jenny tugged Grace out the passenger side. The idea of snooping around Alexander's private life somehow intrigued her but yet it made her feel uneasy. What if they got caught? What would Alex think of her now? Grace shook her head and tried to calm her hammering heart. She was determined to clear his name, then maybe, just maybe she could try and figure out what he really wanted with her.

Lifeless (Book II)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें