Part 2: Beginning of Marriage Life

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Vellinsa pov;

I've been preparing for my wedding. It's great that after 2 days of discuss I'm married. Never expect it to be quite soon. I don't understand this marriage either why do we have to be marry. Out of all guy why does it have to be my ex who cheated on me?

The helpers doing makeover on me until Jayden entered. He ask the helpers to go out because he had something to discuss.

He approach me and suddenly say something that makes me weak. " You know why are we marry? Cause I'm the one who plan everything to approach your parents so we could marry ". I look at him in disbelief asking him why. He say " I don't know why but I just feel like I want to marry you. But don't expect something from me. We're married but I will never gonna love you. Don't even try to stop me if I bring any women I fuck in the house ". I look at him looking surprised by his speech. How dare he.

He then say " get ready to face the misery of your marriage life with me " he then leave while waving and smirking.

I cried because I can't believe I had to marry him. I wanna run away, I don't want to make my life suffer again. Moving on is not easy, I try to move on for 2 years and he came back into my life just to ruin my life? I hate this.

I got no choice because my dad already bring me to the altar. How much I wish I can run but I can't. I held my dad's arm while grabbing onto him tightly. He look at me and smiled because he thought I'm nervous so he try to calm me by touch my arms.

We reach at the altar and my dad gave my hand to Jayden. He took my hand so we both are getting blessed by the Father.

The moment he ask if we agree to be husband and wife the Father ask me. " Will you be Jayden's wife? ". I look down not knowing what to respond. I feel scared that if I'm married with him my life would be so miserable.

I can feel Jayden grab my wrist so hard that I look up at him and he give his fake smile but it's more like his mad smile. So I answered " yes ". Then the Father tell us to kiss.

I look down not wanting to kiss a disgusting man who will be my husband. He grab my cheek and kiss me. I just open my eyes looking at him blankly not responding to his kiss. He broke the kiss and look at me while smirk. Why is he doing this? What is his reason to be this cruel? Why?

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